Individuals in Organizational Behavior

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Individuals are the most important asset to any business. When conducting business however, it is important to have an organization system. When creating this system, a manager has to keep in mind the different attributes that an individual can bring. A manager has to be able to consider the values, attitude, ethics, and cultural differences when creating an organization system for a business. Awareness of these organizational behavior factors can impact overall performance of a business or firm and are crucial for any manager to understand.
Values are what an individual finds important to himself. This means that every person in a company could potentially have different values. Urbany (2005) conducted surveys that show how companies with values statements have 70% better organization among employees. This is because an employee knows exactly what the company expects as an outcome; therefore the employee can make the best decision to reach that point (Urbany, 2005, pp. 169-182). Urbany also states that values are becoming more of the focus when dealing with customers. A value statement in the business should be the guide for any employee to use when helping customers. According to researchers, the original intent of a values statement is to be seen by the public and encourage business. These values statements have become increasingly useful internally. Managers, along with employees, have to make judgment calls on a day to day basis. Value statements can help clarify the company’s expectations as well as create steps for employees to follow. (Urbany, 2005, pp. 169-182). A recent study according to Ackerman, Fink, and Harker (2000) reaffirms this idea. The study began with a random pulling o...

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