Individualism In The Walking Dead

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How does Rick’s group do it? How did they survive this long? Last night I was watching Walking Dead like I always do every Sunday night. I questioned if could I survive a zombie apocalypse... Could my family and I survive zombie apocalypse? Even though I would like to stay as a group we all have very strong personalise… How long would it be before we all go our separate ways? Would my family and I really survive zombie apocalypse? My family and I would survive because even though we might split up we would never result to individualism, we have the tools to survive, and I would be okay to making those big decisions. Individualism is the worst plan during the zombie apocalypse. My family and I may fight but I do not think will would result into individualism because even if we do split up we would stay at least partners. Source A explains the cons of individualism. “The best solution is a strategic attack, rather than an “every man for himself” defense scenario, he said. It would take knowledge and intelligence, neither of which zombies have, to prevail” (Source A). This …show more content…

My family has a survival kit. “Before I leave, I’m going to bring my emergency kit, emergency plan, and mobile phone” (Source D). This quote gives a list of what is needed to get to the safe zone and to be safe. This proves that my family has the tools to survive the zombie apocalypse because we have all the stuff on the list and we would add weapons. Also we leave in Washington we get a lot of rain here and Washington gets pretty chilly during full and winter. “No zombies there, too cold” (Source D). This quotes states that zombies do not like the cold. Washington gets really chilly and cold less zombie could survive. I mean I know zombies hits Seattle, but Seattle would not have as much zombies as California or Florida because Seattle is not as hot. My family and I would make a plan to more eastern Washington where it is more

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