Indentured Servants Lives Versus Slaves Lives

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In many ways the lives indentured servants led in the colonies was seemingly privileged compared to that of a slaves. An indentured servant was an individual who had exchanged a predetermined number of years in servitude to their new masters (Faragher 2009, p. 55). Some indentured servants worked out the terms of their agreement prior to arrival. While some of the less fortunate servants were sold in a fashion similar to that of a slave (cummings, 1995). The servants who had pre-established contracts were transferred to their new masters after payment was rendered for their passage to the New World (Faragher 2009, p. 55). The term in which the servant was indebted was usually two to seven years (Faragher 2009, p. 55). However, the Masters had the upper hand because they could expand the length of servitude in accordance to bad behaviors, such as running away or becoming pregnant ("Colonial america,").

Advantages of indentured servants to the master were mainly monetary. Indentured servants were considerably cheaper in comparison to the purchase of slave. With that being said indentured servants were often subjected to some form of cruelty or brutality (Faragher 2009, p. 56). Incidentally, in many cases slaves received more humane treatment because they were seen as a lifetime investment ("Colonial america,”).

Freedom was primarily the main reward for an indentured servant (Faragher 2009, p. 56). Servants were entitled to a variety of minuscule rights, one of which was their access to the courts. In contrast they were subjected to many restrictions, such as: couldn’t vote, needed permission to marry, sometimes forbidden to leave the house and could not buy or sell anything. (cummings, 1995). Upon comp...

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...a slave at the time their child was born. It was at the discretion of their master if a child born of a slave woman would to bear the indignity of becoming a slave.

To summarize, indentured servants held few liberties but were often subjected to the same if not worse brutality as slaves. Unlike slaves, they had a fixed term of time they were to serve and then were to be set free. The rise of slavery over indentured servants was a result of land and labor issues.

Works Cited

Faragher, John Mack et al (2009). Out of many: a history of the American people (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Cumming, (1995, December). Indentured servants' experiences 1600-1700. Retrieved from

Colonial america. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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