Income Inequality

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Throughout history there have always been gaping partitions between populations of differing social statuses. These splits continue to be blatantly conspicuous in today’s society, despite many efforts over time to repair them. The source presents globalization as a negative influence upon society. Nelson Mandela argues that globalization only serves to further enhance the already existing divide between the “rich and powerful” and the “poorer and weaker”. He insists that we are responsible to protest against globalization in an effort to ensure freedom for all. Globalization as a whole is more destructive than it is beneficial, seeing as it is only advantageous to those who are already well-off. While it can be rewarding in some aspects, I …show more content…

In a 2015 study, economists found that if the rich continue to accumulate wealth at the rate they have been, 1% of Earth’s population would come to own about 50% of the world’s wealth by 2016. We also have income inequality in North America, due to discrimination against race and gender, along with other issues. In fact, the Canadian average gender wage gap is about twice the global average. There is also a visible divide in income between white Canadians and people of colour. This divide stems from an imbalanced distribution of good pay and stable jobs -these being mainly occupied by Canadians of European descent, while racialized Canadians tend to be over-represented in insecure, low-paying jobs, mainly in the labour market and service industry. Looking at this information, it seems the gaping rift involving the rich and the poor can be associated with differences in culture, identity and social status between the two groups. In order for society to progress beyond our many differences, we must continue to repair these rifts between various social collectives created by the patriarchal, ethnocentric, greed-driven morals which have been largely expanded and globalized throughout

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