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Understanding world religion reflection paper
Understanding world religion reflection paper
The doctrine of discipleship
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Recommended: Understanding world religion reflection paper
Jorge E. Lopez
Book Review #2
A THICKER JESUS: Incarnational Discipleship in a Secular Age by Glen Stassen
This book indeed is one of those books that every Christian should read. The author did a great job translating his knowledge and experience into this concise book that contain many insights useful for our ministries. In summary, out of the many questions implied in the book, perhaps one of the more important ones to summarize the book is, what does it mean to be a Jesus’ disciple in a materialistic world like the one we have today? Another one is to ask, does being a Jesus’ follower have ethical implications in a pluralistic world like ours? Well! In this book, Glenn Stassen tries to investigate our situation as followers of Jesus in the present age suggesting an “incarnational discipleship” that addresses the lack of discipleship our world experience today. In order to this, Stassen proposes us with an ethical vision that can build our identity to enable believers to live devotedly in the secular world in which we live today.
Within the pages of the book, the author gives a significant exposition of the “atonement theory,” something he calls an “incarnational theory.” This atonement theory easily departs from “penal substitution” being just more than a sign of love in which morality should be exercise the right way to follow Jesus. Furthermore, this atonement theory says the author, is an indication of Jesus’ peaceful hostility leading to the question of divine love as spoken in the Sermon on the Mount. However, the author remembers how Bonhoeffer dealt with the more committed way of Discipleship focusing on “denial without public engagement.” The call to divine love is not to resist evil but to struggle ...
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...style, names, words but the way to church renewal in world-wide discipleship. What is really needed in this secular society and church is a “discovering again of Jesus,” explaining it as “a thicker Jesus.” Therefore, one last insight the book taught me was to think about discipleship interactively. It is not a passive but an active message. It is by going into the flied of spiritual battle that true discipleship follow the ways of Jesus. It is not a commitment one but of many who shares and advocate for the same rights and duties to exercise what was recommended by their Leader. What the book implies as the main theme is that discipleship must be active and incarnational meaning that all believers should feel anxious to support the cause of Jesus in a world that although dead in their sins is safe under the divine umbrella of the power of incarnational discipleship.
In the book, Apostles of Disunion, author Charles B. Dew opens the first chapter with a question the Immigration and Naturalization service has on an exam they administer to prospective new American citizens: “The Civil War was fought over what important issue”(4). Dew respond by noting that “according to the INS, you are correct if you offer either of the following answers: ‘slavery or states’ rights’” (4). Although this book provides more evidence and documentation that slavery was the cause of the Civil War, there are a few places where states’ rights are specifically noted. In presenting the findings of his extensive research, Dew provides compelling documentation that would allow the reader to conclude that slavery was indeed the cause for both secession and the Civil War.
Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 19(1), 69-84. Heim, D. (1996). The 'Standard'. Phil Jackson, Seeker in Sneakers. Christian Century, 133(20), 654-656.
Engagement with others is the most fertile ground for spiritual growth. Yet, salvation cannot come through individual questing nor good works in the community of the world alone. Salvation can only come when the journey and the work become
Instead of adopting the ways of popular culture, the Church should show the world a more excellent way. Instead of retooling Sunday to render it in synch with Monday through Saturday, the Church, in its proclamation and in its making of disciples, should offer a counter-cultural model of living obedience, seeking to transform what believers and unbelievers experience during the week by what happens to them and around them on Sunday.
Theological reflection, according to Bonhoeffer, must be much more than an academic exercise, and should directly impact the church (Vanden Berg, 2009). The essence of true Christianity, according to Bonhoeffer, rests in the necessary connection between truth and goodness (...
Christianity has its challenges. It places demands on us that set us apart from the rest of our world. The bible calls us a peculiar people, who navigate the challenge of living IN the world, without being OF the world. When we say ‘no’ to temptations that are enjoyed by the masses, we are labeled as self-righteous snobs, religious weirdoes, or worse. But we persevere, and we press toward that invisible line the Apostle Paul drew in the sands of time…for the high calling in Christ Jesus.
In the essay, “The Second Great Awakening” by Sean Wilentz explains the simultaneous events at the Cane Ridge and Yale which their inequality was one-sided origins, worship, and social surroundings exceeded more through their connections that was called The Second Great Awakening also these revivals were omen that lasted in the 1840s a movement that influences the impulsive and doctrines to hold any management. Wilentz wraps up of the politics and the evangelizing that come from proceeding from the start, but had astounding momentum during 1825.The advantage of the Americans was churched as the evangelizing Methodists or Baptists from the South called the New School revivalist and the Presbyterians or Congregationalists from the North that had a nation of theoretical Christians in a mutual culture created more of the Enlightenment rationalism than the Protestant nation on the world. The northerners focused more on the Second Great Awakening than the South on the main plan of the organization.
There are several aspects to consider when exploring the Christian worldview. There are many facets or denominations and they each have their own distinct beliefs and practices, but they all share the same fundamental beliefs. In this Paper we will explore the character of God, His creation, humanity and its nature, Jesus’ significance to the world, and the restoration of humanity, as well as my beliefs and the way that I interact with Christianity and my personal worldview.
The book consists of three parts. The first part has five chapters of which focuses on explaining what the key questions are and why we find them difficult to answer. The second part has nine chapters explaining in detail what N.T. Wright considers Jesus’ public career and the approach he had in first century Palestine. The third part of the book, the last chapter, challenges readers to wrestle with the questions of Jesus’ life and ministry.
John was a dedicated apostle of Jesus Christ. His adult life was dedicated towards serving Christ and his doctrines. From his time of appointment to the ascension of Christ, John was among the disciples chosen to spread the word of God. After the ascension of Christ, John continues with his service to Christ, spreading the word of God from Galilee, across borders to Greece. The paper will illustrate the various lessons that can be demonstrated through John’s life, preaching and service to Christ.
When Jesus called His disciples, His invitation was simple. He invited them to follow Him. The same is true today. In Matthew 28, Jesus gave His last charge to His disciples, and the charge was simple. He called his followers to go and make disciples. Much effort has been placed by Christians to fulfill this charge, commonly referred to as the Great Commission. Jesus chose to fulfill the implementation of the New Covenant through 12 men who He called, appointed, and commissioned, and he only had a few short years to prepare them for the task (Willson, 1990). His methods were unconventional and were revolutionary for that time. His disciples were to be trained extensively by Jesus, living with Him for three years prior to His ascension. He taught about servant leadership and its meaning for both the leader and follower Matt. 20:25-28). From the beginning, Jesus put in place a careful plan, and an examination of His actions in the Gospels showed that Jesus left behind the pattern to be replicated. His methods, which included the incorporation of three different levels of discipleship, included His interaction with Peter, His closest three (Peter, James, and John), and finally the group of 12. This paper identified and analyzed the three levels of discipleship Jesus modeled, these discipleship methods were then measured against modern leadership theories, and Jesus’s level of involvement and interaction with his disciples were critiqued in light of these modern theories in an effort to determine the effectiveness of this approach.
...Today as a Christ follower, we will never be satisfied if our life is not bearing lasting fruit because we are not fulfilling the purpose for which we were “grafted “into the Vine. Let’s examine the “fruit” of our lives. Is it the kind of fruit that reveals the character of Christ? Let’s not settle for fruitless Christianity. God will do the work of making us fruitful – we must only abide, surrendering our lives to His mission of making disciples of all nations through us. The whole notion of mission is to stretch out to work the work of evangelism not through hierarchy, sovereignty, rather through humbleness, hospitality, affection love for the others. That is what Jesus who portrayed as the one who we do not deserve to untie His sandals straps in the first Chapter of John, later become feet washer, intimate with humanity leaving His equality with God.
"We cannot indeed overestimate the importance of the fact that Jesus' redeeming influence on the world-all that has induced men to call Him Lord and Savior-owes to His humanity at once its individual and its social power, and is complete with the com...
Jesus, concerned with the future of his ministry beyond himself, empowers his students to continue his tradition of educating people into holiness. This commission is not a mere suggestion for the disciples to follow, but they are not new students either. They have been learning from Jesus for three years; such is an important observation when considering how to appropriate this message in our modern context. Nevertheless, such an important communication on the part of Jesus needs to be highly broken down and understood.
Christianity is an identity used by people who believe in Christ and worship Christ. Christians around the world have different ways of praising and worship God. A world class Christian refers to the involvement of individuals in spiritual programs. Nelson (1894) emphasizes what Moses wrote, ‘In the beginning God create the heaven and the earth’ (Genesis 1:1). He created man in his image and give the entire good attitude and the ability to survive in this world. He offers us different types of emotional feeling so that man can apply in this moment of life. He gives every single man an assignment to work and that assignment is your passport to eternity. This can be in the form of how you support your Christian church members, how you participate in spiritual activities and also your personal relationship with the Heavenly Father. In this essay the focus will be on how to become a world class Christian. It will also elaborate ways in which an individual can become a successful world class Christian.