In what ways can folklore be utilised by historians, and what problems does its use present?

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Folklore and history are in the current set apart as two disciplines separate to each other in approach to study and method. However both history and folklore originated from the same base subject; both are concerned with the recording of the human record. This Essay will discuss if folklore can be utilized by historians and if so what problems does it present in terms of reliability and usefulness in the context of evidence for historians. Before analysing this however it is important to define the difference between folklore and history to starting with their independent definitions. One definition of folklore given by the Oxford dictionary is “the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth. ” However this definition ignores non-verbal traditions such as Folk art and Folk Architecture. However the most important part of this definition is in the method of transcription through time by word of mouth. Comparatively one definition of the study of history is “The bodies of knowledge about the past produced by historians, together with everything that is involved in the production, communication of, and teaching about that knowledge. ” These definitions highlight a crucial difference between folklore and history; History is the study of the past by historians for deciphering and recording the past; comparatively to this Folklore is the passing down of: beliefs, traditions and practises, through the generations not out of academic intrigue but rather from tradition itself. In short it can be described as Elite History vs ‘common peoples history’. In an attempt to discuss the usefulness of folklore to historians this essay will first look to the relationship between Histo...

... middle of paper ... direct evidence for the study of specific event or the biography of a individual; however its strength is in reflecting the thoughts and beliefs of everyday people on a subject. This can be seen to looking to specific examples were folklore has been used by historians in a beneficial way. Firstly looking to using folklore as a way of recovering trace literary history

Works Cited

A.L.Campa, Folklore and History, Western folklore, Volume.24, No.1 (Jan, 1965), pp.1.
‘’ (last accessed 10/01/2014)
A.Marwick, The fundimentals of History,’’
P.Burke, History and Folklore: a historiographical Survey, Folklore, Vol.115, .No.2 (august, 2004). Pp.134
A.L.Campa, Folklore and History, Western folklore, Volume.24, No.1 (Jan, 1965), pp.4.

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