In Praise Of Negative Campaigning

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Politicians make use of negative campaigning to persuade voters to have negative views of their opponents. The way politicians are presented to voters is important because that can lead voters to voting for someone with more positive aspects. Although there can be other factors, now days many people turn to negative campaigning. Negative campaigning is when politician or party focuses on criticizing another politician or party rather than emphasizing their own positive qualities. Why negative campaigning? It is an easy way to bring your opponent down. Although negative campaigning has gain popularity I agree with the film “vote for me” that negative campaigning is not always effective. Despite many candidates finding negative campaigning easy to make use of, negative campaigning can back-fire you. As seen Through the film “vote for me please” the director uses three protagonist who are the candidates for the election in a third grade classroom in China. The candidates running for class monitors are Luo Lei, Cheng Cheng, and Xu Xiaofei. Cheng Cheng starts his negative campaigning by persuading other students to say that it was terrible once Xu was done with …show more content…

Politicians often use negative ads because talking about themselves can provoke voters to not know what to do when all they see is positive information; it is also not the best way to persuade voters. As then related to Shafers statement in the article “In praise of negative Campaigning”,“Imagine making a decision about what car to buy, what to take, … if the only information you were exposed to was the positive information provided by carmakers, employers, vacation spots or restaurants”(58). If voters are only exposed to limited amount of information voters do not often compare the positive views of candidates. Voters view the negative side to make comparisons of where candidates are failing can how that can put our country into

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