Importance of Family

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Family is an important moral thing in the life. It’s the place where every achievement starts. The presence of the family is necessary for the development of civilizations too (Scholasticus, 2011). However, there are two important formation of families, one of then is a nuclear family, which defines as “a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.” Another one is an extended family, which is “a family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014). I believe that living with extended family cause several problem to the family members, and children (Hewings & Thaine, 2012) and couples (Al Khoori, 2014) are the most members who feel discomfort and upset of live with. Living with extended family is not a good idea because you will lose your independence, freedom, and the relationship with your family will affected negatively.

The extended family cannot create a fully independent generation, because usually the younger members treated with spoil, and other thing that the marriage life will lose it’s independence. As Al Omosh (2014) believes, the child should have a healthy environment from his first years. In Arabs society, Sometimes, if the father punished his son, he will go directly to his grandparents and he will get away with his mistake. “That will lead to confusion for the child. He will not know who to look up to or listen to.” (Al Omosh cited in Al Khoori , 2014). The person who treated like this will not have a chance to live in independent life. That is a really bad issue in extended family, because in the childhood, the child’s personality and self-consciousness will be formed at that ages, and he needs his parents’ disc...

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Hewings, M. & Thaine, C. (2012) Cambridge Academic English: An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

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