Closed Family Paradigm Analysis

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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the family paradigm that my family of origin fits into best. The family paradigm I feel represents my family most is the closed paradigm. In the closed family paradigm, there is a strong sense of family identity and responsibility to the family members. Similarly, it is very important that everyone knows that they belong in the family. Family members are loyal to one another. Traditions that unite and connect family members together. Family is the most important thing, and everything else takes second priority. Although everyone is important, there is a clear hierarchy where everyone knows that mom and dad are in-charge. Another key element of the closed family paradigm is the rigid boundaries. This means …show more content…

The outcome of this has been a closer connection and bond between us as a family as well as stronger family unity and identity. This has happened because my parents have always been wonderful at making it a priority to ask each of us about our day, and other specific things going on in our lives. My parents initiate open conversations with us about school, our classes, and our friends. Taking an interest in our lives helps us to feel secure, and valued. They do this with each of us kids, so no one feels like they do not belong. I feel like all three of the listening types have been used in my family at some point, however, I feel like the most common is directive listening. When my parents are asking us about my life, they often ask questions that direct the conversation. An example of this would be, when my mom is asking me about dating boys. She often will ask specific questions to discover the answers she is looking for and to better understand the situation. This is an example of the hierarchy in my family as she directs the conversation. It also helps me feel more secure and valued. This is because, I know, she cares and is interested in my

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