Family: The Most Important Functions Of Family

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What do you personally believe are the most important functions of family? Why or why not be specific. The most important functions I will say is social unit. This shows a person from a child to adult what it means to be part of society. There not just one specific function that makes a perfect family. There are many factors that help make a better family. According to www.hrsbstaff.ednet.ca_of_the_family.htm “ A functional family is one in which family members fulfill their agreed upon roles and responsibilities, treat each other with respect and affection, and meet each other needs. To better understand family functions Talcott Parson a sociologist stated “that the main functions of the family were, “ to ensure that new babies actually …show more content…

My brother was a strong man we never though he was capable of killing his self. My brother left behind a wife and three children. Our family has never seen to be the same since my brother took his life. My mom grieves every day to herself. My mom never told me she was grieving, one day I had a talk with her and she told me she cries every day. I had my mom to go talk to her doctor. My brother children still have a difficult time because they miss my brother. Losing my brother due to death at an early age is a big heartbreak for the whole family. I miss my brother. Me and my brother is my mom only children. My mom and I are close, but when my brother died, my mom makes sure she tells me she loves me every time we depart on the phone or when we depart from one another. According to Ross Eshleman and Richard A. Bulcroft the Twelfth Edition “death is an inescapable event, one that will occur within all family and kin networks. Certainly, the loss of those one loves most intensely- parent, spouse, child, or other family member-causes tremendous pain.” My family is a good support system for me and my mom. My mother has four sisters that help her get through this major life event. My mother has a sister that has lost a son at an early age also. My aunt lost her son about six years ago, he got shot at college the week he was about to graduate. My aunt that lost her child and my mom talk on a daily basis. I think that this is how they deal with their lost by talking everyday knowing that they have experienced the same major event in their life. “The death of a love is one of life’s most difficult experiences. The bereaved struggle with many intense and frightening emotions, including depression, anger, and guilt. Often, he or she feels isolated and alone in his or her grief, but having someone to lean on can help him or her through the grieving process. “I feel emotions,

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