Importance Of Website Navigation

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Good Navigation General: Amongst website programmers and graphic designers alike the importance of navigation cannot be understated. In fact the success of many websites, including Online Retailers and other businesses can revolve around the effectiveness of their website navigation. It is a key component which directly affects you from a marketing as well as a business perspective. Bad website navigation often relates directly to the failure of a website to obtain and retain the attention of a visitor. Even the best types of website navigation create distance between the user and their desired content. An effective marketer’s efforts are typically focused toward shortening this distance and manipulating the message of the website to be as straightforward as possible. It’s vital that you offer a positive user experience and good website navigation is often the most important aspect of providing this. Website navigation is the gateway to the different sections of content on your website and there are some established best practice methodologies around the design of website navigation and layout. What Should Effective Website Navigation Do? Alan Cooper summarises that navigation of information can be accomplished using three main methods: Scrolling (panning across content). Linking (jumping between pages of content). Zooming. Ideally, navigation seeks to: Provide end users with the choice of a small selection of pages to navigate between. Clearly label the segments or pages of navigation tabs. Adapt to evolving user demands and expectations. Provide information about where the user is and how to get back to the previously viewed page. Enable the user of your website to use an effective search function. This search functionality ... ... middle of paper ... ...pears like this: Home>Baby>Booster Seats There are two distinct types of breadcrumbs, the first lets the user know where they are on the site. The second is dynamic and changes as you make different selections on the website, letting the user know what path they have taken to get to their current page. This is essential if a user opens a hyperlink deep inside the content of your website so as to allow them to find their way back to the site’s index pages. Site Search Site search functions are essential when you have a website with extensive amounts of content to filter through. It is the most easily utilised method of locating information within a site and easily trumps the process of locating a specific link within a navigation menu. However they take time to set up and are difficult to implement correctly. If you use a third party to generate your search results

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