Importance Of Tourism In North East India

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Tourism in North East
Tourism is the world’s largest industry and it represents the fastest growing segment of this market. The concept of tourism is new with tremendous potentiality for sustainable developments of nature-based tourist resources include beautiful forest and wild life and landscapes. But, before going to explore the prospects for economic development in the North-East Indian states in terms of tourism industry, it is better to have a look into the present socio-economic and political conditions prevailing in NE India.
Tourism industry can act as a revenue generator and as a catalyst for development in a region. In order for the tourism potential of a region to be harnessed there is need for a security environment that is stable, complemented by cooperative administrative machinery. Developed marketing strategies and logistics which include conducting sightseeing tours, hospitality and communications, and other necessities are constructive for tourism to flourish in a region. Tourism by definition is a regional activity. Each region, country, continent, city, town, village, ultimately has to fend for itself in the competition to attract tourists. Thus, financial capital along with publicity, can dramatically affect the tourism of an area. The North-East India is plagued by multiple problems, from poverty to insurgency, which have rendered it poorer and less connected than the rest of the country. These realities, have thus far, prevented the North-East from realizing its full tourism potential. This paper will highlight the various measures taken by several government institutes to promote tourism in the North-East region, especially in Assam, and will underscore the shortcomings and challenges which ...

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... and development in North East
Tourism provides direct benefits to the local community and businesses. It has a multiplier effect on other economic activities, providing jobs and incomes to those serving tourists through the supply chain and also as it is a labour intensive industry. The infrastructure required by tourism—transport, communications, water supply and health services—also benefits local communities and can be used for other activities like speeding disaster relief, providing for the local population and fuelling the overall development of the region. Tourism helps to create awareness about natural and cultural environmental preservation. Historical monuments undergo regular preservation if they are tourist attractions rather than fabll into ruins. Tourism creates opportunities for small and micro-enterprises and helps in the development of the region

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