Importance Of Teaching English As Foreign Language

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1.1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
A teacher has duties to transferring knowledge to their students in the learning process. The duties including preparing lessons according to agreed curricula in the state, giving lessons, evaluating and assessing students’ development. As Celik (2011) in Australian institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) claimed that there are seven standards of effective teacher editors. Know the students and know how they learn, know the contents and know how to teach it, creating lesson plan and apply effective teaching and learning, create supportive and safe learning environment, assess and provide feedbacks on students learning, engage in professional learning, engage professionally with …show more content…

Indonesian government has an attempt to enhance english language proficiency through introducing english in early formal institutions, that is elementary school. It is based on Letter Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number. 060 / U / 1993 dated 25 February 1993 (Department of Education, 1993)(Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor. 060/U/1993 tanggal 25 Februari 1993 (Depdikbud, 1993)) which describes the possibility of learning English as local content subjects in primary schools and may start in the fourth grade of primary school. The position of English as local content subjects in school is getting stronger with the issuance of Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education Article 37 paragraph 1 (Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Pendidikan Nasional pasal 37 ayat 1) requiring that local content in the curriculum of primary and secondary education. English is one of the local content given in primary …show more content…

Thus, there are no exact way to design a model for all situation. However, for planning many english classess, has summarize a basic initial formula as follows:
1. preview: Giving students an overview of the day’s lesson conveys a sense that there is a definite purpose and plan behind the day’s activities. (This step may be done either before or after any warm-up activities.)
2. warm-up: Just as a concert often starts with a short lively piece to warm the audience up, a lesson often starts with a brief activity that is relatively lively. Its main function is to generate a good class atmosphere, but it can also be used for reviewing material from previous lessons or introducing new material in the day’s lesson. Incidentally, the warmup tends to set the tone for the lesson, and if it involves real communication, it will tend to reinforce the importance of genuine communication right from the beginning of the class period.
3. main activities: These are the main course of the day’s menu, the more demanding activities to which most of the lesson will be

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