Importance Of Studying History

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“What is so important about history? Why do we study it? History does not matter, the present is the most important time.” These statements are common among people in this day in age.We view history as obsolete and in the past.There really is no reason to invest in studying something we have already been through right? Well this is not true and I plan to break this stereotype and show why knowing our history and past can help in many areas of our lives and for the the advancement of our race and human beings.
We first tackle the question of whether or not it is important to study history.There are many examples are reasons why this is true.A definition of history is a great way to start.A definition my high school History teacher would relay to us is “History is a story about the past that is significant and true.” I like this definition because we can break down the parts of it to show just how important history is.First we should talk about history being “true”.This is a tricky concept to intertwine with history because historians generally do no use the word true because accounts of history are based on historians and their accounts of it.One persons account of history can vary from another.For example, if two adults were to get into a physical altercation, the winner may have a different than the loser.The loser may add parts to the story that didn’t happen to justify his loss.The winner may do the same by making false reasons as to why he won.Historians do not purposely skew the story, but every human being has his flaws that create this issue.
The second part that I would like to discuss is history being significant.When we discuss the significance of an event in history, there are many factors that will determine how it w...

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The importance of history in school today is questioned because of whether it serves a valuable enough purpose to have its own subject.Voltaire said, "Life is too short, time to valuable, to spend it in telling what is useless." Nietzsche said, "We want to serve history only to the extent that history serves life." History is studied to aid us for the future, not to dig up old stories and events.Knowing our history brings judgment and freedom.Our great leaders in the past have had these to characteristics, thus they have lead our nation.Without this knowledge, what is our purpose? We are destined to repeat history, if we do not learn from history itself.A quote to leave with is from Cicero.“History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life, and brings us tidings of antiquity.”

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