Importance Of Public Schools Wear School Uniforms

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There is a controversial issue on whether public schools should be required to wear school uniforms. I believe that public schools should wear uniforms because it helps students focus on their studies rather than other students. Wearing school uniforms help maintain school discipline, and reduce social conflict and violence within the schools. Personally, I have worn school uniforms for most of my childhood growing up. I was raised in the West Indian part of the Caribbean, an island called Dominica. One hundred percent of our schools have uniforms as a dress code policy. Throughout this island, and most of the Caribbean countries, it is very rare that you will find any schools which the children are allowed to regular attire. I moved to New Jersey at the age of thirteen. I can still remember the feeling of my first day of school, seeing the children with no uniforms, the clothes they wore, the shoes they wore, the different styles. I was so amazed; I had never seen anything like that before. My upbringing was very different, from the way I dressed and the way I spoke. I had a first-hand experience of a child who was teased in middle school. Not only did I get teased because of my accent, but mostly because of my dressing. The other children were wearing name brand clothes and shoes, my issue was not that my parents could not afford it, but because I had no interests in that kind of life style. Throughout the days of teasing and harassment, I began coming home to my parents and asking them to go shopping, and doing my hair differently. All I wanted was to fit in. My days of public middle school were not getting any better. A change came in the ninth grade, when I began to attend a private school, Immaculate Conception High school.... ... middle of paper ... ... I have come to the conclusion that the positives outweigh the negatives. I think that wearing school uniforms will bring a great sense of satisfaction to the all parties. Uniforms accompanied by other reforms can make a difference. Uniforms send a message and remind students they are in school. One element of the message is that they are in school that is your place of work that is your place of work where you are working, to get smart. It is up to us to do what is right for our children. If we have found one solution to eliminate the problems that most students are facing today, such as bullying, costs etc., why not take advantage of it. We all want what is best for our children. School uniforms might not be the solution to mend students’ academic reading, writing, and math proficiency, but it aids in addressing part of the problem with regulations and attendance.

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