Importance Of Organ Donation Essay

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How To Save A Life: The Importance of Organ Donation Like an argumentative essay, the objective of a visual argument is to take a position on a message or issue and convey that message to a desired audience. This is accomplished for a variety of reasons: to sell a product, refute another argument or position, or raise awareness on a subject. Visual arguments are effective because as the timeless idiom goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. The mission of this visual argument by France ADOT is to present the overarching thesis that thousands of people owe their lives to organ donors, but instead of creating a page full of words, they used powerful imagery and text that appeals to human empathy in order to generate interest and attain their This is important in a visual argument because too many words can distract from the image being used while too few leaves the viewer confused as to the overall meaning. The text is set apart from the rest of the picture by being placed in a section by itself and using bold, capitalized letters to draw the attention of the viewer. English is a language that is spoken all over the world and by using it to express the visual text, ADOT, despite being a French organization, exponentially boosts the potential number of viewers. By using numerical figures, the artist enhances their argument by giving the viewer something concrete to contemplate while lending credence to the overall statement. Trademarks and logos are often interpreted as sources of authority that lend credibility and stability to an argument. Not only does this respected organization include their logo, they also give a link to their website and directly state that they want the viewer to sign up for their donor card. By including their website, ADOT is able to generate interest and give the viewer an opportunity to learn The simple, easily translatable text and universal message in this visual allow it to be placed in international advertisements and, as a result, have the greatest impact on increasing awareness of the importance of organ donation. Organs know no boundaries; a person in Uganda or Suriname could provide an organ needed by a person in Laredo, Texas. American society has become a leader in global charitable and social causes and this ad is similar to those created by organizations such as the American Red Cross, Donate Life, and the American Transplant

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