Importance Of My Educational Journey

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The past couple of years have been a journey to say the least. I have made many mistakes over time and I’ve learned mostly from trial and error. Knowing that my goal was to graduate from a four year university proved to be insufficient. Looking back, it was merely a starting point. It took me some time to understand that having a goal and achieving a goal were very different. Understanding what distinguished them was crucial to making changes in my life. I initiated this change by adopting a new attitude towards my education. I had the misconception that I wouldn’t have to work hard to do well based on how easily I was able to pass my classes and retain information. I had to leave behind my high school mentality and adopt a new method of approaching …show more content…

I was enrolled in the dual-credit program offered through ACC in high school. This was the first time I had ever taken a college level course and it was very different from my regular classes. I wouldn’t read material before class, wouldn’t review my notes, and would rarely study for exams. I did everything instructors advised against, consequently I received many low grades. I didn 't put forth the effort and my grades were a reflection of this. Even though this experience was one that could have been avoided from the beginning it was something I could reflect on and learn from. Looking forward, to where I am now, I learned how to manage my time, how to study, and began to understand the commitment needed to do well in my courses. Seeing how well this has worked in the future I plan on implementing and improving strategies I developed over the first years of studying at ACC. I feel very optimistic about the next few years My academic goal for the next few years is to graduate with a bachelor in Chemistry from Texas State University. To make this a possibility I have to focus on the current semester. My current goal is to make A’s in the two courses I am currently enrolled in. As of right now I am accomplishing the goal I set for myself a few weeks ago. My only concern in college as of right now with college is earning good grades, however, this won’t be the situation in the following months. …show more content…

Seeing the finish line on the horizon has motivated me to pass this course and graduate from Austin Community College. To get to this point I was willing to sacrifice my financial stability in order to earn high grades and complete an associate program. In addition to this I’m now willing to also change my studying habits and how I spend my time. Although I’ve learned a fair amount of strategies to being successful in college there is still much more that I have to learn. Writing this paper has given me the opportunity to view my purpose as a student differently. I have realized that attending college has much more to give than financial stability. It is an opportunity to discover who you are as a person. This class has given me the confidence I need to continue on this journey. Overall I’m very optimistic for what’s in store for my

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