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Essay on self reflection nursing
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Insights as a Knower: Developing a Knowledge Plan
Nursing is a demanding job, requiring a significant amount of knowledge in a multitude of areas including a strong knowledge base of human relationships. Relational practice is an inquiry that is directed by mindfully partaking in a relationship with the client/patient and is the foundation of all nursing practice (CRNBC, 2015). A significant portion of this relationship is my ability to engage in self-observation and reflection that aids me in recognizing and acknowledging what I know and do not know (Berragan, 1998, p. 216, Hartrick Doane & Varcoe, 2015). Hartrick Doane and Varcoe (2015) recognize the difference between knowing and not knowing as imperative to a responsive and safe nursing practice (p. 22). As a student nurse, I recognize the importance of reflection as a means to evaluate how I interact on intrapersonal (internal), interpersonal (external), and contextual (environmental) levels. To grow in my role as a nurse, I must develop strategies that combine my knowledge and my
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Aesthetic knowing is being able to understand my patient’s perception of their own health and illness and what it means to them (Michael, Candela, & Mitchell, 2002, p. 243). Personal knowing and reflection allows me to distinguish the most personal aspects of a situation and respond in a caring and supportive manner (Berragan, 1998, p. 212). Additionally, my personal experiences are able to increase my depth of knowledge and ability to connect with my patients as a knower (Bonis, 2008, p. 1330). During a maternity placement I was able to draw on both the empirical knowledge I have gained as an LPN/student and my personal knowledge about the postpartum period. My personal knowledge helped me to discuss details that cannot be learned through a textbook, in addition, I was able understanding what the experience was like for my
The intention of this written essay is to demonstrate an understanding of my views on reflection and the issues surrounding reflective practice. It is based on nursing skills that I used during my practice placement, most importantly reflecting on the professional value of privacy and dignity.
Relational inquiry is a process that both supports and necessitates different ways of knowing and different types of knowledge (Hartrick Doane & Varcoe, 2015, p.227). Furthermore, nursing knowledge is constructed and contextualized within the activity of the nurse as a 'knower ' and is an integration of the different ways of knowing (Antrobus, 1997, p. 830). Reflecting on these aspects of relational inquiry and the ways of knowing can enhance a nurses ability as a 'knower '. The intent of this paper is to summarize and analyze myself as a 'knower ' while reflecting on the different levels of inquiry and ways of knowing.
Critical thinking and knowledge are the foundation of nursing practice, and the most essential elements in providing quality nursing care. Nu...
Personal knowing focuses on experiencing and knowing self and others. Carper (1978) indicated that personal knowing is the most difficult to master and teach. As personal knowing is identifying and knowing oneself through interaction and relationships, this would be very difficult to teach in a classroom. Zander (2011) further supported this thought, specifically that “personal knowing could only be achieved through complex interpersonal relationships.” (PAGE). The qualities of authenticity, genuineness, and wholeness are also associated with personal knowing (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). These qualities help to identify what is true about oneself and how to display that truth with others, mostly through relationships and interactions. This is very important in nursing, as who we are affects patient
The purpose of this Reflective assignment is to demonstrate how the application of the Registered Nurses standards for practise (2016) can be used in reflective practise. The Registered Nurses standards of Practise (2016) states that RN’s should develop their practise through reflecting on experiences, knowledge, actions, their feelings and beliefs and recognise how these factors shape professional practise(RNSP, 1.2).Reflection allows individuals to look back on their day-to-day situations and how they made us react and feel; what we would change if we had the chance, to create a different outcome; and what we would do next time to enhance the way we conduct ourselves in a professional manner.
Burns, S. Bulman, C. Palmer, A. (1997) Reflective Practice in Nursing - The growth of the professional practitioner. London: Blackwell Science.
The fundamental patterns of knowledge were first identified by Barbara Carper (1978), and included empirical, personal, ethical, and aesthetic knowing. According to Zander (2007), Carper sought to develop a holistic, individualistic, therapeutic model of practice which could be utilized to structure nursing education, and evaluate nursing practice. The addition of emancipatory knowing by Chinn and Kramer followed in 2008. These patterns of knowledge have shown to be very beneficial, if not crucial to the nursing profession. The purpose of this paper is to provide an in depth explanation of aesthetics, and its importance in nursing. A detailed scenario of esthetic nursing will be included. This
Middleton, J. (2004). A Practical To Promote Reflective Practice Within Nursing .Retrieved March 31, 2004 from www.nursingtimes.net.
In order to engage in meaningful communication and develop effective communication skills, nurses must engage in the process of reflecting on how communication skills are utilised in practise. Reflection allows the nurse opportunity to gain a deeper insight into personal strengths and weaknesses and to address any areas of concern in order to improve future practise (Taylor 2001). A further aim will be to reflect on how communication skills have been utilised within nursing practise. Various models of reflection will be examined, and a reflective account of a personal experience which occurred during placement will be provided using a model. This reflective account will involve a description the incident, an analysis of thoughts and feelings and an evaluation of what has occurred. Fin...
A Review of the Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing Nursing takes on a different form of learning that reflects several different aspects and abilities that encompass a wide range of skills and forms the ways of knowing in nursing. The article, “The Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing,” incorporates multiple theories associated with the learning patterns in nursing. It is a review of literature that helps identify and understand the knowledge practiced by nurses and to better understand the nursing profession. The purpose of the paper was to evaluate the expectations of learning within the nursing realm based on the four areas of nursing that include, empirics, esthetics, personal knowledge and ethics. Empirics: The first step in learning is to understand the objective data.
It may have been something you did differently that had a positive result and you may conclude you would do it again upon reflection. The most important part of reflection is making sense of situations and events that occur so that our decision making and any actions we take lead to good, effective practice. Nurses have to keep a record of their continued professional development. At annual reviews, nurses are able to present evidence of their development through a portfolio which should contain reflective accounts of their practice. These reflective accounts will help them identify strengths and weaknesses, highlight their performance, improve their skills and highlight any areas that could be developed.
Around the 1960s, nursing educational leaders wanted to formulate a nursing theory that contained knowledge and basic principles to guide future nurses’ in their practice (Thorne, 2010, p.64). Thus, Jacqueline Fawcett introduced the metaparadigm of nursing. Metaparadigm “identifies the concepts central to the discipline without relating them to the assumptions of a particular world view” (MacIntyre & Mcdonald, 2014). Fawcett’s metaparadigm of nursing included concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing that were interrelated. The metaparadigm ultimately contributed to conceptual framework to guide nurses to perform critical thinking and the nursing process in everyday experiences in clinical settings.
Reflective Practice is a continuous action that directly affects anyone who is a practitioner. Jasper (2006, p. 53) stated that the benefits to the profession are the development of the nursing knowledge base and the recognition that nurses are contributing to both patient care and improved practice. Further, Jasper (2006, p. 43) explains that Reflective Practice is the foundation upon which reflection and reflective learning are based.
The Institute of Medicine has released a report that discusses the future in nursing. The IOM has developed four key messages that outline the barriers that need to be overcome, so that nurses can work effectively and to their fullest ability.
In this reflective essay, I will be using the Driscoll’s model of reflection to talk about how my knowledge of quality nursing care has improved since the commencement of this module. Quality nursing care has helped me develop various nursing strategies that will guide me in my first placement and throughout my career in nursing. Furthermore, it has taught me about communicating effectively with patients, I have learnt about verbal communication such as paraphrasing when communicating with patients to ensure that what said is properly understood. I have learnt not to make assumptions about patients and putting them in the middle of their care, taking into account their preferences.