Importance Of Communication In Education

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Communication can be the key to success. Communication is in everyday life and in any career. In the education system communication has its barriers; however, education consists of educators, leaders, students and community. When communication and all its part are understood the more successful a operation can be. Barriers to communicate within the educational system can cause major stress and unwanted disconnect. Understanding the frame of reference, the point of view of the encoding party can contribute to the understanding. Through district filtering information from the state and than district to administration and than administration to teachers there is room for transmitting errors. “Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted …show more content…

I feel that any empire has all the directions of communication to be successful. If a system is one sided then the outcome may not be received with the correct intension. In my experience the upward motion of communication if received with empathy will allow for the most growth. When a concern is addressed because it may not be seen from an upper level management then the changes can happen from administration, which in turn move to the downwards motion of communication. The educational system uses horizontal communication to address issues from in house grade level concerns to department’s standards. This can lead into the diagonal communication from administration to the teachers working together. Hernando County has recently worked on new curriculum maps for each grade level and subject. I can only speak for middle school math; the communication that the standards were not aligning with the curriculum text books can from an upward movement. Then we used diagonal communication of face to face and emailing to work out an outline for each standard. With the diagonal direction then came the downwards motion of district mandates for following the curriculum mapping. During professional learning activities the horizontal communication was occurring about our common assessments, revealing minor changes within the timing of our map for next

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