Importance Of Body Language

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Body Language and Appearance in the Workplace There are many things that affect the opinion people have on others. When people see others in public it effects their opinion of that person even if it isn’t in a work environment. While you may feel that your personal life is just that, others will take their opinion of you outside of work and associate it to your work habits. Two things that a person encounters in all aspects of their lives are body language and their appearance. These two things heavily impact how your customers feel about you and if they feel that you are someone they can trust in a business environment. Over half of all communications is done through body language and non-verbal communications and not through words themselves. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary states that body language is “movements or positions of the body that express a person's thoughts or feelings.” Part of the first impression you get from someone is based on the way the use their body. Even though body language should not be used as the sole reason to form an opinion of someone, many people te...

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