Importance Of Ancient Egypt

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Why is Egypt so Great?

When asked to think of an ancient society what first comes to mind? My guess is Egypt, along with its unbelievable pyramids, its mysterious mummies, its blazing hot climate and its ever so powerful pharaohs. As you realize that this is exactly what you would have thought of, you wonder why. The reason is because Egypt is much better, and more interesting than all other past societies. Not just because of the fascination we all share about Egypt's fictitious tales, but also because of its agriculture, art, religion, women's rights, burial methods, its quantiful mentions in the Bible and its success as a society. These all serve a different purpose but together are what frankly made Egypt, Egypt, a very great past …show more content…

Egypt is widely known for its pyramids and temples that were built over long periods of time for their pharaoh or for the gods they worshipped. Egypt was the first society to build such pyramids and temples, which makes many wonder how they came up with the idea to make a triangular building. Some arts they are known for include their paintings, sculptures, jewelry, pottery, and glass. The paintings and sculptures they made left a large influence on the future, many copying their techniques, and many still using them today. When it comes to other past societies like Mesopotamia, Harappa and Ancient China they did have art, it just wasn't as widely popular, and citizens in these societies didn’t have as much time, or freedom to focus on creating art as the Egyptians did. The Egyptians had more time and freedom to create such arts because of the fact that their trade, agriculture and irrigation were already in a very successful state. This allowed less people to be obligated to work on these three things, and instead be able to focus on different subjects, including the creation of masterpieces. Another reason Egypt's art was a larger market is because women had more time to work on art because they had many more rights and freedom in Egypt than women had in the other societies, allowing them to have much more time to create art, without getting in trouble for it. The art and agricultural the Egyptians were able to create is another thing that makes Egypt so

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