Essay On Egyptian Burial Practices

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The ancient Egyptian burial practices are fundamental to the beliefs of ancient Egyptians. There are many different forms of burial practices; however the main form of practice of ancient Egyptians was the mummification process as seen in source B. Through the use of source B along with other sources, the following response will analyse the ancient Egyptian burial practices. The most common ancient Egyptian burial practice is the mummification process as depicted in source B. Mummification is a ritual that embalmers performed when a pharaoh died. Source B is a photograph of the canoptic jars which are a main component of the mummification process. The first step in the mummification process is the removal and preservation of most of the internal organs, such as the lungs, the stomach, the liver and intestines. These organs are then separately embalmed and placed into canoptic jars as source B reveals. These jars were often decorated with one of the four animal-headed sons of the god Horus. Each head is believed to be the protector of each organ within the jar and is dedicated to a specific deity. The preservation of the organs is significant as they allowed the dead person to breathe and eat in the afterlife. The internal organs were then wrapped and put into either the body or put in boxes instead of sitting in jars. Canoptic jars were still placed in the tomb but they were solid or empty and provided a symbolic purpose. In Tutankhamun’s tomb the canoptic jars were discovered in a shrine that was found in the treasury room of the tomb. Source B is useful is when understanding the mummification process. Ancient Egyptian burial rituals and customs have evolved over time as source C depicts. Source C is relief illustrating the evol... ... middle of paper ... ...ts the roles of the gods in the death of a pharaoh. Along the journey to the underworld the deceased’s spirit would have to argue their case with gods, strange creatures and gatekeepers in order to reach Osiris and the Hall of Final Judgment, where they would plead their case to be allowed to enter the afterlife. Osiris was the god and chief judge of the underworld. The ancient Egyptians believed him to be a former ruler who had been astonishingly restored to life after being murdered by his brother Seth. Due to this he became the symbol of hope for eternal life. In source B, the head of each god is used as a topper and are used for protection of the organs of the mummy. Source B is useful when understanding the role of ancient Egyptian gods in the afterlife. In conclusion, the ancient Egyptian burial practices are fundamental to the beliefs of ancient Egyptians.

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