Burial Rites Analysis

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‘…the characters’ strength was a direct result of their necessary stoicism in the face of so much hostility.’ Discuss the role of women in Burial Rites.

SACE ID: 532883T

Set in the harsh patriarchal society of 1829 Iceland, Hannah Kent’s Burial Rites uses historical fiction to reimagine the life and death of Agnes Magnusdottir; a woman sentenced to death for her involvement in the murder of two men. The role of women in this oppressive society is thoroughly explored, establishing a social commentary which juxtaposes the double standards, sexual abuse and primitive gender roles of 19th century Iceland to the independence, equality and lifestyle choices for women in the 21st century.

Icelandic society is depicted as an oppressive patriarchy …show more content…

In Burial Rites Agnes undergoes extreme abuse and wakes up with seemingly no reason to live. Regardless of this situation, Agnes remains unyielding in her values, identity and beliefs, refusing to be dehumanised by society; “I will hold what I am inside, and keep my hands tight around all the things I have seen and heard, and felt.” It is through this stoicism and self-empowerment that Agnes emerges as an unsuspecting role model in the text. Kent establishes how it is also the kindness and generosity of others that ultimately gives Agnes a reason to live. Specifically, Agnes’ passion for life is renewed through her cathartic, confessional story-telling to Toti. Toti, unlike the biased majority of society, does not “pluck at [Agnes’] words like birds” and instead is an empathetic, understanding listener. Furthermore, despite initial hostility, Margret and her family grow to understand and empathise with Agnes and ultimately become very close with her, becoming “tearstreaked” in the days leading up to her death. Kent uses symbolism in the form of a brooch given to Agnes by the Jonsdottir family to illustrate the final, compassionate acceptance of her humanity. Overall, the author demonstrates to the reader how women like Agnes can stay strong in the face of adversity by remaining resolute in their beliefs, as well as the importance of treating others with understanding and

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