Immokalee Workers Case Study

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Her day began the same as many of the other farmworkers in Immokalee, Florida - early. She was on her way to work at 5am, even she was not allowed to start picking tomatoes until the dew dried on the plants, which was around 10am. After her day started, she would endure long hours of work in the hot Florida sun with no breaks and earning little pay. She would be screamed at, and being a woman, she would be at increased risk for sexual assault. The woman described is Angelina Velasquez, a Mexican immigrant, who was profiled by the New York Times last year in Immokalee a town in the south western part of Florida. She described the horrible working conditions in previous years in Florida, however, she also claimed that these abuses had stopped. …show more content…

According to its website, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is “a worker-based human rights organization internationally recognized for its achievements in the fields of social responsibility, human trafficking, and gender-based violence at work” (1). The organization was created in 1993 in Immokalee, Florida and since then has developed specific programs to address the issues faced in the Immokalee tomato fields. The organization addresses farmworker slavery concerns and has a program to address the issue of farmworkers rights in …show more content…

The program is a partnership between the farmworkers, food growers, and the buyers. Through the program, food growers are educated about new labor standards and are taught to implement them. The standards are then managed by the a third party group to ensure growers are complying to the standards. In addition, the program necessitates that the growers are given an extra penny per pound for each tomato picked. These extra funds then go to the workers, guaranteeing they have fairer compensation and more livable wages. With this program, the farmworkers, growers, and buyers are all kept responsible for the worker’s rights and each interest group is able to

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