Immanuel Kant: Do We Live In An Enlightened Age

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Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), a German Philosopher, was considered to be the central figure of modern Philosophy in his era. He wrote What is Enlightenment, which raised the following question among our class: Do we live in an enlightened age or an age of enlightenment? My understanding of an enlightened age, and an age of enlightenment may be different from someone else. My definition of an enlightened age is being able take your own stand and question many things without having any guidance. For example, I could argue that many students at Palomar Community College are not living in an enlightened age, due to the fact that students are just simply trying to get by school by avoiding hard work, and without asking for any reasoning behind the …show more content…

Who is Kant referring to? I believe Kant was referring to any citizen who is experiencing the tragedy of under power. Under power is characterized by people who have no control of their life and are basically running on autopilot doing whatever their master tells them to do or also following other people’s footsteps, opposite of leaders. Another word for “we” could mean the representation of a yoke. As discussed in the critical thinking portion of class, it came to a consensus that yoke is a metaphor used for a human is shaped. For instance, the Nazis. We talked about this issue in class how most Nazis didn’t know what they were doing. They were just going with the flow and thinking it was the right thing due the high praises they would get from their leader. Hitler was a brilliant man who was able to use his power and status to manipulate a group of people, later known as the Nazis, into thinking that by exterminating all Jews the world would be a better place. So when Kant was talking about “we” he must’ve meant those kinds of people. Why didn’t the nazis questioned or stand up for themselves? Who knows, however we as the people, the citizens of this patriotic country must come to a conclusion to not let anyone rule us over. We must question our authorities, masters, professors, and including our parents. When Karl gave us his definition of enlightenment he said, “Enlightenment is …show more content…

If you step outside into our college campus, I guarantee you 95 percent of the students will have their heads down staring at a stupid screen, and if you try to start a conversation. They will either look at you weird, or they will be short on you just to end the conversation. I remember my first time stepping into a college class and I walked into everyone on their phones and laptops. It’s so sad how technology has changed us. My neighbor who is 8 years old already has a smart phone. Can you recall the first time you had a smart phone? Sure wasn’t when you were

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