Identification and Justification of the Components of Fitness

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Identification and Justification of the Components of Fitness

Taking part in any sport requires high levels of physical fitness this

includes stamina, speed, somatotype, suppleness, balance, reaction

time, strength, agility and co-ordination. Different sports require

different components within there sport. I am going to discus the

components of fitness that are required in netball, and validate why

the components are important for netball.

Stamina: ‘Stamina is the ability to work for relatively long periods

of time without becoming fatigued. (Or for the heart and lungs to cope

with activity over long periods of time)

It is important to have good stamina in netball so that the players

can keep performing to a high standard; without getting fatigued

consequently leading to tiredness and effecting player performance.

Stamina is important in all round netball but players have restricted

areas on the court that they can/cannot move in, for example, centre

has the freedom to move in all of the court apart from the semi –

circle, therefore centre needs good stamina. However a goalkeeper and

goal shooter for example are only restricted to one third of the court

so therefore work more aerobically so in turn don’t need as much


Nevertheless a netball match lasts 60 minutes and the court is 100

feet long and 50feet wide so the team as a whole has to have good

stamina to keep up with the pace of the game. The game is divided into

four quarters and this helps the players recover from each quarter of

play both physically and mentally.

Netballers therefore usually carry out fartlek training which means

‘speed play’ it’s ...

... middle of paper ...

...t pull you up for it.

Furthermore shooting in netball requires being relatively equilibrium

and when defending it is important that you try and keep balanced when

marking a player or leaning over at full stretch, holding the balanced

position otherwise you get penalised for it and have to stand by the

players side as a punishment and the shooter gets a free pass or shot

(if shooter).


Components of fitness can be split into two types ‘heath related

fitness’ fitness needed to take out everyday activities and still have

enough energy left for emergencies’ these are needed for everyday life

and for all. The other is ‘specific fitness’ these are more skill

related which is therefore more sports specific, such as agility,

reaction time. Netball requires most of the components from both types

of fitness.

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