I Want To Become A Lifeguard

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It was a broiling hot ninety five degree day in upstate New York, combined with that it was the Fourth of July, the busiest day of the year for most waterparks, I already knew that it was going to be a long day. At around one o'clock in the afternoon the rubber rescue tube had become plastered to my skin, tirelessly watching the water I glance up to the top of the slide, three stories up, and see a small girl well under four feet, the minimum height requirement to ride. Some how she slips by, as she rides down the loud “thud” against the slide tells me that she fell off her tube, while she tumbled off the end of the slide her panicked face affirmed her need for help, as I lifted her out of the water I came to the realization that I had truly helped someone and gained a feeling of accomplishment. In the summer …show more content…

Throughout my life I have always excelled at math and science, and through my job as a lifeguard I also discover that I enjoyed helpings others, this led me to want to pursue a career in biomedical engineering in which I could design products such as artificial organs and limbs that would help improve people's lives. Due to my job requirements I leaned how continuously focus on one specific task for hours on end, I have seen this trait translate over to the classroom where I dedicate all of my attention to completing the task at hand. Also the large amount of responsibility placed on me forced me to learn how to handle situations where there was high pressure, patrons’ judgment, and make quick decisions. I have learned to become a better communicator as well, for example teaching four year olds how to swim is a lot more difficult than it seems with

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