I In Table 51 Applying 7S To Intuit

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Symptoms are caused by incorrect setups inside of organizations. Symptoms would be things such as low profit, low productivity, anxiety, low job satisfaction and many outcomes that are more negative. Symptoms are the outcomes of inaccurate decisions that were made by an organization that need to be changed. Symptoms are things that companies should recognize in order to be able to understand they need to changes to eliminate the symptoms.
Cause or the negative decisions that are made that actually make the symptoms happen. Causes are things that produce symptoms such as low productivity the cause could be something such as lack of leadership, lack of needed supplies to be productive these are the things that cause the symptoms to occur. Causes are the things that organizations need to change in order to make the unwanted symptoms go away.
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However, the organization was having issues a symptom of these issues was that they had a reputation of being too slow in making decisions another symptom was that their profit was less then what executives thought it should be. After he examined their organization as a system, he was able to determine the cause and it was that employees did not pay much attention to the internal processes of the organization. He determined that this was the cause of the company not producing the profit levels that it

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