I Am Malala

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Many people are quick to recognize Malala Yousafzai’s very known face, however not everyone knows the full story. That was the case for Junior, Kayla Rosen, in Miami Country Day. After reading the book, Kayla was glad she had picked I am Malala as it inspired her and gave her a different perspective on life. “I chose it because i heard about this story in the past,” says Kayla, “and i wanted to hear the story in a more in depth way, hear the real thing.” I am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai, is an awakening book that talks about a teenage girl fighting a radical Islamic group in her hometown who oppress rights for women's education. The book starts with Malala riding the bus to school when she is suddenly shot by an unknown men in the head. Even after this traumatizing experience, …show more content…

Readers get a distinct perspective from the educational systems they have had for their entire life.“Her perspective is quite different considering her education has been taken away. She feels very strongly about all women having the opportunity to be educated and does not let that go.” Answered Kayla with direct eye contact, putting more thought as the question proceeded. “An American would be different because they have education in their hands different from Malala and her peers.” The book was very thorough with Malala's’ story from beginning to end. It give an insight on Malala's journey and her perspective on all that she had to endure. However, junior Kayla Rosen, believes that the book left out some very significant information. “The book has left out where Malala has ended up where her family now, because it wa published years ago. The book also does not tell you if she has fully recovered back to where she was before, it says she has issues and that her memory was not fully back, however it does not

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