Hypothesis And Assessment: A Case Study Of A Student Counselling

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The mother of Patricia Lungi, a 3rd year BA student has requested that a member of the Student Counselling, Career and Assessment Centre (SCCAC) contacts her daughter in order to make an appointment with her regarding exam concessions due to her current emotional state. Mrs Lungi has requested this due to a worry that Patricia may be depressed because of some inside information she has recently received from her daughter’s best friend and roommate. Mrs Lungi is worried about her daughter’s progress as she has been reported absent from a number of lectures as well as missing practical’s and hand-in dates and is therefore at risk of losing her DP. Mrs Lungi is concerned that her daughter may be struggling with the passing of her …show more content…

This is causing the student to become closed off and fall behind in her studies. The subject may find difficulty in the upcoming examinations due to her marks being low from little lecture attendance and effort. After doing tests and discussing with the subject and relevant other parties it will be determined that the subject is depressed and therefore will need …show more content…

This will also help to see if there are any other underlying problems that may have been missed or that need to be discussed.

Patricia has been referred to a psychologist by her mother. By doing tests and having various interviews with people close to her it has been found that Patricia suffers from a mild form of depression after the death of her father in the previous year. She has been referred to counselling sessions in order to help her to get past this troubled time. Patricia is also receiving help from her lecturers in order for her to catch up with missed work and become more focused for the upcoming exams. The necessary people were notified and Patricia should make a full

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