Hypocrisy in Steven Crane’s Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets

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“Maggie: Girl of the Streets,” written by Stephen Crane, is the common tale of girl fallen

victim to the environment around her. Embedded in the story is the Darwin theory survival of

the fittest, in which Maggie, the main character does manage to survive, but with drastic

consequences. Born into a hell-hole with no positive role models around her, her tragic fate was

expected to some degree. Prostitution for women in poverty was not an uncommon occupation

and suicide as death was also a common form of an ends to means for literature of that time as

well. Crane uses Maggie and her outcome to expose the solemn slums of New York. Maggie is

viewed as a victim of her bowery lifestyle and her fate is also attributed to her victimization of

the hypocrisy of religion as well. She is frequently condemned to hell by her mother and brother

for her choice of lifestyle, but on the contrary she was never taught that there was another means

to her lifestyle. The Johnson’s public damnation of Maggie’s behavior provides some evidence

that “they are keen on respectability as the primary moral goal,” stated Nazmi Al-Shalabi author

of “Authenticity and Role-Playing in S. Crane’s Maggie: A girl of the streets” (200). Everyone

who had any power of influence over her life, such as her mother, brother, Pete, and the reverend

failed to teach her the moral integrity of which they claimed to live by but instead were more

focused on keeping their pointed a finger to her flaws. I am suggesting that Crane wishes to

expose the hypocrisy of religion by creating a character whose death is attributed to her lack of

knowledge of moral ethics, which George Wilhelm Hegel argues is achieved by completing

three phases that he adapted from the Christian Doctrine with the purpose of obtaining self-


Understanding Hegel’s phases will provide insight to how Maggie was unable to obtain

moral ethics as well of self-knowledge due to the lack of positive influences in her life. The three

phases are when man experiences the following: self-estrangement or the fallen state,

objectification, and self-knowledge or appropriation. Self estrangement can be identified as the

phase when man fails to uphold the moral standard of which he created for himself and, as a

result, develops a guilty conscious. The Christian doctrine would probably deem...

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Works Cited Page

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