Situation Ethics and its Relationship to Idolatry

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Situation Ethics and its Relationship to Idolatry

In 1991, when Joseph F. Fletcher passed away at the ripe old age of 86 (ref 1) there were very few present to observe his passing. There are not many people who even recognize his name. This was a man who probably influenced modern society as much as Charles Darwin or Sigmund Freud.

Certain books and teachers can have a great impact on society. Charles Darwin wrote " The Origin of the Species" and started a whole religion. Yes, evolution is a religion, and requires more faith to believe in it than almost any other religion; with its belief of one species changing into another species and fish becoming land animals.

Sigmund Freud's writings continue to influence people even though most psychology philosophy discredits a lot of his ideas.

Joseph F. Fletcher was a teacher at an Episcopal seminary in the 1960's. While still teaching, he renounced his belief in God and declared himself a secular humanist. He neither resigned nor was asked to resign but continued to use his pulpit and classrooms to promote his idea system (ref 1). In 1966, he published a book called “Situation Ethics”. This book and the ideas Fletcher taught, has brought dramatic changes to the American culture.

His basic idea was this: In any given situation, a person should do what he called "the loving thing" rather than follow rigid rules derived from Divine revelation--or for that matter, any set of rigid rules, even those coming from simple reasoning. This idea is based on the worship of the person! That humankind, in its natural state, is "fundamentally, decent, enlightened, reasonable, and eager to do the right thing".

In his book “Situation Ethics”, ‘Fletcher captures the attention of the readers ab...

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... devastating impact on America and all Western Society and even on the whole world. It is a philosophy that absolves a person of any accountability of personal responsibility. It is also a philosophy that takes all meaning from life. If there are no standards to which we aspire, why try to climb the ladder to success? Personal achievement, character growth and morality are abandoned and the very fabric of society is torn. If God's laws are not important, how can laws created by humans mean anything.

It's a philosophy that, if carried to extremes, will mean the very death of our society.



1. Joseph Fletcher – Father of Situational Ethics

2. Fletcher, Joseph F. “Situation Ethics”

3. Biblical references are taken from the King James Version

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