Humorous Wedding Speech

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Today, I discovered that I lost my son. I dont know where is he. I dont know if he's fine and I certainly dont know how is he living. I know its too late and Im the one behind his loss. Im sorry son, Im really sorry, I know that you're going to forgive me. You actually know how aggressive Vince is and that I do not have the power in this relationship. I miss you son, I want to talk to you. I miss our conversation. I miss how we used to talk every minute of everyday and how I was able to tell you everything that was on my mind. We used to have some quality time together and I know that Im the one behind all those beautiful things that disappeared. If you came back, i promise i’m going to be another person. I’m going to take good care of you. Trust me. I wonder if a miracle could happen and that you could listen to what i’m writing now. I miss you, i really mean. I miss your smile, I miss your voice. I miss your laugh. I miss you next to me. I miss your jokes. I miss holding your hand. I miss your hug. I miss you so much that i can feel my heart breaking. When you came back for christmas, I wanted to hug you and promise you that this won’t happen again, but you’re the only one who knows Vince right? you know that he’s a boozer and that i cannot control anything. I’m sorry Son, I’m sorry. …show more content…

It broke my heart to lose you, but you did not go alone. A part of me went with you the day you left home. God please, bring my son back. I really miss

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