Humans Living in Harmony with Nature

1982 Words4 Pages

There is no better example of humans’ relationship to nature than idea of sustainable development. It is imperative that we develop in a sustainable manner if we wish to live in harmony with nature. Unfortunately, we have been developing in the opposite direction. For many years the west has been able to get away with using more than their fair share of resources because the less developed nations don’t have the technology to utilize these resources for themselves. If this trend continues it poses a serious problem to global sustainability. Rapid development in nations like India and China have pushed their resource consumption levels up, closing the gap between third and first world. With such a high rate of consumption in the developed countries, there is not much room for the third world to develop without depleting our resources to unsustainable levels. The entire world cannot live the same wasteful life enjoyed by the many developed countries. If nothing is done, the south will catch up to the western level of consumption and we will no longer be able to sustain life for generations to come. After researching this issue it is apparent that the best solution is to develop the west to a level of sustainability that is universally applicable and allows the less developed nations to eventually live the same lifestyle as the west without compromising the livelihood of future generations. This essay will go on to explain how the western way of life is not a viable option for everyone to live by and how developing nations are in fact already following the path of these western nations.
The Western Ways
The alarming rate of consumption in the west does not get the attention it deserves. With 22 percent of the world’s population l...

... middle of paper ...” to sustain us for a limited time.
It is just a matter of time before we start to see this problem become more of a reality. Developing nations are rapidly advancing on the western level of development and in no way is it sustainable. If nothing is done there will be too many people trying to live the extravagant lifestyle of the west and not even close to enough resources to accommodate them. We must have the already developed nations reach the 6th stage of post-material society before the less developed catch up. When the less developed do finally reach the level of the west the earth will be able to sustain us all far longer than if we all lived the wasteful lives of modern day western citizens. It is far more beneficial for all mankind to allow all people to share a common level of development instead of having a double standard of living.

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