Human Trafficking In Colombia

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Introduction An estimated 70,000 people fall victim to human trafficking in Colombia every year. In this essay I will attempt to inform about the human trafficking that ́s happening in Colombia, about the children that guerrillas abduct for them to be soldiers, and last but not least about the nongovernmental and international organizations that assist and protect the victims of this global crime. Colombia ́s point of view about human trafficking is that the country is against it, and they have laws to counterattack the trafficking and slavery. Nevertheless, Colombia lacks of attention and the will to eradicate this delicate yet uprising dangerous situation. Human Trafficking in Colombia To begin with, criminals have made …show more content…

Most importantly, the main reason human trafficking in Colombia has been increasing is because of the displacement of thousands of citizens that migrate due to the armed conflict between Colombia ́s government and its main enemy The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC in Spanish). These citizens that are forced to migrate arrive to Ecuador, or Panama and then trafficking networks abduct them. As another form of trafficking, victims are usually attracted by false promises of jobs, according, according to Martinez supra. Since they suffer from economic hardship, poor citizens don’t have much of an option than to risk themselves to accept the offer. Child Soldiers Sara Morales is a young woman who is in her early 20 ́s, and that was forcibly recruited by the FARC guerrilla, but she says she ́s been to hell and back: “When I was only 11 years old I was raped by FARC guerrillas and for 11 years I was abused and exploited by them”, Morales …show more content…

At last, Springer found a constant, a common denominator from recruited children: extreme poverty. Nongovernmental and International Organizations Nongovernmental and international organizations know that Colombia ́s government can ́t deal with the human trafficking, so several organizations take real action to protect the victims. For instance, Children of the Andes, which is a charitable organization that provides support to child victims of sexual exploitation and they also promote long-term development through education, health, protection, and peace-building initiatives, according to the Children of the Andes, “What we Do”. Another one would be Fundación Esperanza (Hope Foundation) that aims to reduce the numbers of women and children trafficked out of Colombia and assists victims of sexual exploitation, all of these according to its main web page: Last but not least, the International Organization of Migration (IOM) implements assistance programs for trafficking victims that provides health care, education, and microcredit assistance, as stated by the Press Release, Displaced Women Work with Colombia ́s Famous Juan Valdéz Coffe. Conclusion In conclusion, human trafficking and child slavery not only attaint Colombian lives, but human lives as a whole, it is a global problem. So happens that in Colombia criminals and mafias find it easier to abduct

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