Howard Abbie: The Yippies And The Civil Rights Movement

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Have you ever wondered how people stood up against something and made a change in history? Abbot Howard “Abbie” Hoffman, born November thirty, 1936 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Abbie was raised in a middle-class household with two younger siblings. He was born during the 40s and 50s which was a time called the transitional generation between the beatniks and the hippies. From a young age he was a troublemaker, he rebelled against many things. He got kicked out of many schools because of him being such a troublemaker. Growing up he continued being a troublemaker and got arrested many times during his lifetime, and since he was living in a time period of war he became anti-war activist during the Vietnam War. Abbie wanting to stand up against the Vietnam War and wanting to do something about it he did many things to try and do this, he co-founded the “Yippies” the Youth International Party, he went to the Pentagon with …show more content…

Abbie co-founded the Youth International Party or “Yippies”. The “Yippies” were a countercultural group that briefly gained fame as a part of American activism. They did many things from protests to public “pranks” as told in the article of Chicago 10 by PBS. This group really got a lot of attention because of their radical stunts and pranks they pulled off and began to get more and more people to join them and to stand up against the Vietnam War. The Yippies were a group that was also very criticized because of them focusing on large-scale public disobedience and ignoring traditional forms of community organizing and direct protests. This means that because of the way they did things and the way they let people behave themselves and not do it in an acceptable manner they got criticized and they got it a lot. But this did not stop them from achieving what they wanted to stand up against the Vietnam War and many other

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