Theodore Roosevelt, A Brief Annotated Bibliography

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Brinkley, Douglas. The wilderness warrior : Theodore Roosevelt and the crusade for America. New York : HarperCollins, 2009. This Roosevelt biography is written with an emphasis on tracing the role he played as a conservationist. This is important to understanding Roosevelt’s motivations in his decisions regarding business and the environment. Brinkley’s focus on Roosevelt’s crusade for the natural environment offers an alternative to an “anti-business” president. The book also details Roosevelt’s successes and legacy. Engel, Jeffrey A. "The Democratic Language of American Imperialism: Race, Order, and Theodore Roosevelt's Personifications of Foreign Policy Evil." Diplomacy & Statecraft 19, no. 4 (December 2008): 671-689. Political Science Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 29, 2014). This article analyzes Roosevelt’s world-views and personal beliefs. Engel gives insight into Roosevelt’s philosophy for the roles played in the international arena, especially the role played by the United States. This look into Roosevelt’s philosophies will help explain his reasons for taking a stance against corruption in big business and the government. Howell, John. "The Regressives: Unraveling the Progressive Movement." Conference Papers -- Southern Political Science Association (2009 Annual Meeting 2009): 1. Political Science Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed January 29, 2014). This article speaks to the long term impacts of the Progressive Movement and what it has become to today’s society. Roosevelt was a symbol for the Progressive Movement and although Howell does not specifically list Roosevelt’s successes, he does detail some of the major breakthroughs of the Progressive Movement. Powell, Jim. “Theodore Roosevelt, Big-Government Man.” The Freeman, 24 February 2010. Accessed 29 January 2014. This take on Roosevelt’s policies highlights the perceived negative effects. This article does not necessarily support the theory of an ‘anti-business’ president, but it does shed some light on some of the arguments for the failure of Roosevelt’s policies. It also gives credence to other motivations behind Roosevelt’s policies. Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University. “Elkins Act.” Accessed 29 January 2014. This is a description of the Elkins Act. It gives a brief history of the Act and explains its function. Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University. “Hepburn Act.” Accessed 29 January 2014. This is a description of the Hepburn Act. It gives a brief history of the Act and explains its function. Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University. “Sherman Act.” Accessed 29 January 2014. This is a description of the Sherman Act. It gives a brief history of the Act and explains its function.

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