How to get a Part Time Job

532 Words2 Pages

A part time job will give you independence and more importantly extra cash that you can use for anything you want to. It will allow you to make new friends and gain experience at a young age that you can use in the future. Perhaps the need is more than making money, getting a part time job will give you a sense of success when you compare yourself to all the other kids your age that do not have a job. For any reason, you may need some tips because getting a part time job is an actual struggle, especially for the youth. I am going to be very clear and explain how exactly how I was able to get a part time job.
To begin with it all depends on your resume. Your resume can at least give you an interview, which an employer will look at, not knowing anything else about you except what is written on the resume. If you do not have much experience, make your resume is skill based and fit it to one page. A resume longer than a page is like an entire book in the eyes of a manager or supervisor. Write a clear objective to what you are applying for and why you are the best candidate for that posi...

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