How to Use Bandages

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When preparing to bandage a wound, always choose the proper bandage type for the wound or surface that will be bandaged. Make certain that the bandage is wide enough to cover the surface area. Always sanitize your hand prior to applying the bandage. I will tell you how to apply a bandage to the right arm. When applying the circular bandage, use your left hand to hold the bandage in place at the starting point and wrap from left to right around the site in a circular motion. Keep the bandage close to the surface area as you wrap, unrolling as you circle around the affected site. You will continue to wrap the bandage smoothly around until all the bandage is on the surface. We do not want kinks in the bandage wrapping. This is uncomfortable for the patient and may affect the pressure being applied. After which, apply clips to keep the bandage secure. The bandage should be wrapped tight enough to keep it from sliding. However, the bandage should not be so tight that it cut of circulation. After applying the bandage, always check the nail bed for cyanosis. Check the pulse and have patient move their fingers. You want to be certain that the patient can move their fingers and there is no nerve interference.
Again, when a bandage has to be applied, determine the length of the bandage needed, and get the bandage. Sanitize hands thoroughly before applying bandage. When applying a bandage to the right arm, using the spiral motion; begin wrapping from the wrist going up. Secure the end of the bandage and wrap around once and continue wrapping up toward the elbow in a spiral motion. Keep the bandage close to the surface. Wrap around the elbow, allowing for flexibility and continue up the arm just below the shoulder. Apply ...

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...e process, the medical assistant will blot the closure with gaze. This will remove any blood from the area being sutured. Keeping the area clean and sterile is vital. After suturing, the area is cleaned and a sterile bandage applied. The patient is instructed to not get the area wet, return in 3 day for dressing change. I the patient feel any irritation, swelling, or see redness around the area, please call the doctor’s office. We do not want the area to get infected. Bleeding, swelling, fever, pain are all things that should be reported. The patient is instructed to return in 7 days for suture removal. However, any concerns prior to that time should be reported to the doctor’s office.


Kinn’s, 2011. The Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach. Sanders-
Elsevier, Publisher, St. Louis, MI. Information retrieved on January 23, 2014.

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