How has media encourage to participate in women’s sports?

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In every single area women play an important role of the people that burden in nurturing, relations formation and relations existence tolerating that generally depends on their effort. In today’s society Arab women’s attendance in sport and physical education are understood as an undeniable necessity which is essential in providing mental and physical condition, stopping different types of social abnormalities, cutting health expenses and rising productivity. Even though countless factors alter women's development in sport, but if only media portrays a better aspect of Arab women’s sport, many girls will start putting an interest towards sports ( Najafi Asl, Marzie 2000). According to Kane and Creedon, broadcast media have a vital act in notifying, growing viewpoint in the direction of Arab women sports & their progress in the future. Media’s coverage for women’s sport is extremely vital as in if media takes in consideration to the female athletes, it can awaken movement & sport motivation in women’s society and manage them in physical condition and subsequently to divine health. Mass Media alongside has extensive data concerning whether women can be competent in progress of women’s sport in society, and help Arab society’s opinion to debate concerning women’s act, negotiation, comparison, criticism, and lags' compensate (Kane, M. J.; Creedon, P. J. 1994, 28-44). Despite the efforts of Iranian women, their part of sports news in Iran’s media is extremely low & unimportant. Once publicizing is improper and women’s sport is not recognized to the area, how can media anticipate government to provide facilities for women’s sport if media aren’t taking women sport into consideration? (Afchangi, Mahmood 2001) As said by the women’s spo... ... middle of paper ... sports and by watching with a dress code which should consist of covering their hair and wearing modest fashion which shouldn’t show the arms and legs (Tess Kay 2006, 357-373). In conclusion to different point of views, Mass media lacks progress in Arab women involving themselves in sports and physical activities; it suggested to hold annual meeting and seminars with the issues of Arab women in sports and media with the help of sports and media experts. In addition to this issue the performance of the media exchanges their aspects of regards. There the differences between present and desired condition of media’s role in Arab women’s sport is recommended to perform and set operating programs and strategies eradicate the differences. This study also develops the perceptions of Arab women in sport seeing that Islam is good for health, fitness as well as a principal.

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