A rainbow is one of the most amazing things that can be seen in the sky. However, many people do not know how rainbows are formed. For a start, I will start by explaining how rainbows are formed. A rainbow occurs as a result of refraction and dispersion of white light, as it passes through a prism. Since a prism has two indexes, their difference causes light to diverge in different angles as it comes out of the prism. This splits the white color into many components, which are different colors. Since a raindrop contains two refractive indexes, it produces the different colors when hit by sunrays. These colors are what we see as a rainbow.
Now in order to understand how lights is able to be refracted in different angles, it is important to understand the Snell’s Law which states that, the refractive angle always depend on the refractive index of both media. Now, the refractive index keeps on changing depending on the wavelength of the light passing through. Light, as we know, it is a wave that has different wavelength. Each wavelength represents a different color. Thus, different colors will have different refractive index when passed through the same media. It is important to note that light is normally refracted twice when it travels through a prism, first on its way in, and when it is going back.
So how do we get to see a rainbow in the sky? First condition that must be fulfilled is that the sun must be shining, more to that, the sun must be behind you and raindrops must be present in the sky. When these three conditions are present, then the sun will shine to the little droplets that act a prism. The rays will get refracted twice, thus, producing different variety of colors. However, each drop will only produce one color thus ...
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...is generally known as Rayleigh scattering.
The blue color, which is observed in the sky, is due to the Rayleigh scattering. As light travels in the atmosphere, it comes across gas molecules which absorb most of the colors with shorter wavelength. Colors such as red, orange, yellow are least absorbed. Blue, being a color with short wavelength, gets absorbed in the molecule. It is then radiated into all directions. Now, this is the color that reaches our eyes because it gets scattered in all directions, hence a blue sky.
Still at times, the sky will have a pale blue color. This is because the scattered blue colors have to go through other gas molecules, and in turn get scattered more. It is like dividing a particular mass into many pieces, and the final results will be just tiny masses. This is how blue color gets divided before it reaches our eyes.
...nd violet wavelengths are the shortest, and violet is the least visible to the human eye. These wavelengths are scattered throughout the day and caused by a redirection of the light-waves direction due to gas molecules in the atmosphere (Mc Knight, p. 84). When the sun is setting towards the end of the day there are few blue wavelengths left and we see orange and red which are dominant and the longest wavelengths of visible light to the human eye. At the bottom of the photo (closest to the setting sun) red and orange are the dominant visible colors with the occasional blue and almost violet. If our eyes could not see orange and red our sunsets would be a dark blue or black.
When shown a colour spectrum besides blue and purple, Dalton was only able to recognise one other colour, yellow. Or as he says?that part of the image which others call red appears to me little more than a shade or deflect of light. After that the orange, yellow and green seem one colour which descends pretty uniformly from an intense to a rare yellow, making what I should call different shades of yellow. In 1801 he argued that the atmosphere was filled with mechanical gases and that the chemical reactions between the nitrogen and oxygen played no part in the atmosphere?s construction. To prove this, he conducted a lot of experiments on the solubility of gases in water.
Peace is the antonym to war, an oxymoron, two terms rarely used in conjunction with one another. Throughout John Knowles’s, A Separate Peace, peace and war cross paths in many occasions. During the primary years of World War II, the students at Devon School went through much pain and distress but also built stronger friendships and harmony during their high school career. And just as the world works through the kinks and unoiled gears of life, the students dealt with the agony. They might not have all made it out alive, but they all learned something from it and became stronger through the experience. Where peace and war collide are some of the most momentous events in their lives that they remember forever. The summer before Phineas breaks his leg is a significant time when the students at Devon first experience peace and war. Other times are during the Winter Carnival and the moments prior to Phineas’ death.
What one wonders after hearing ?blue people? is if they were actually really blue in color? Well the answer is yes and no. Some of these people were, in fact, blue, but they were not completely covered with bright blue skin from head to toe. Although there were some cases though where most of an individual?s skin was blue, but for the most of them it was usually just their extremities and/or lips and parts of their face. Their color wasn?t completely blue but had more of just a bluish tint. It was not a bright blue like you are used to seeing but more or less of an ashen grayish that was mildly bluish in appearance but nevertheless they were ?blue,? some more than others.
If a substance has color, then you can determine its concentration by light absorption which is when light is being taken up by an object or spectrum. The Beer-Lambert Law is commonly used to find the absorbance (A) of light in a solution by multiplying the molar absorption coefficient ( ε ) ( how well a chemical absorbs light at a given wavelength ), the concentration ( C ) and the path of the light through the sample solution ( l ). The equation for this relationship is “ A=εCl ”. The color of the solution is determined by the color of light the molecules do not absorb, so, say if you had a blue colored solution, then the color of light will be orange. This is because the highest molar absorption coefficient for blue dye falls around 620 nanometer which is the orange part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
Refraction occurs when light travels from one medium crosses a boundary and enters another medium of different properties. For example, light traveling from air to water. The amount of refraction (or bending) can be calculated using Snell's Law.
Refraction of Light Aim: To find a relationship between the angles of incidence and the angles of refraction by obtaining a set of readings for the angles of incidence and refraction as a light ray passes from air into perspex. Introduction: Refraction is the bending of a wave when it enters a medium where it's speed is different. The refraction of light when it passes from a fast medium to a slow medium bends the light ray toward the normal to the boundary between the two media. The amount of bending depends on the indices of refraction of the two media and is described quantitatively by Snell's Law. (Refer to diagram below)
However Spectroscopy is not a recent development, as it has been utilized for many years since Isaac Newton made the first advances in 1666. Spectroscopy is the study of light as a function of wavelength that has been emitted, reflected or scattered from a solid, liquid, or gas. Fundamentals of Spectroscopy Spectroscopy is the distribution of electromagnetic energy as a function of wavelength. Spectrum is basically white light dispersed by a prism to produce a rainbow of colours; the rainbow is the spectrum of sunlight refracted through raindrops. All objects with temperatures above absolute zero emit electromagnetic radiation by virtue of their warmth alone; this radiation is emitted at increasingly shorter wavelengths as temperature is increased.
Once upon a time high above the earth, fluffy white clouds drifted through the atmosphere. In the clouds lived a family Droplet of water, round and content with life. For as long as I could remember, I spent my days lying on my back, relaxing and soaking up the sun's warm rays. One day, I took my usual place in the sun but the light didn't seem to be as bright. In fact, as the day went on, it grew darker and darker, loud claps of thunder shook the cloud, and the Droplet felt as if he were getting so heavy he could hardly move. This is called precipitation.
Light is what lets you experience colour. The pigment of the retina in your eyes is sensitive to different lengths of light waves which allows you to see different colours. The wavelengths of light that humans can see are called the visible colour spectrum.
Refraction is a process that occurs when light travels between media of different optical density. Light travels at a speed of roughly 3.0 × 108ms-1 in a vacuum. A vacuum has a refractive index n=1.00. The speed at which the light is travelling will decrease as it moves into differently optically
Rain forms when water vapor condenses and falls, the more it condenses the more it falls. Some raindrops are not pure and are filled with other materials, this is known as acid rain. Acid rain is a huge problem all over the world. Acid rain is mixture of chemicals, like fossil fuels and the atmosphere, it then comes down as rain, snow, hail, and sleet. The burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of acid rain. When oil and coal are burned they create sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and nitrogen dioxide. (" Acid Rain | US EPA") The mixture of all the chemicals and heavy winds blow the compounds across many borders.
In conclusion, we have discovered what color is we can assume that our mystery has been solved. Color can be seen in the world that we live in everywhere we go it is a permanent part of our lives. Whether it is an illusion in our heads or an actual concept, color is a continuing concept that will always remain intact.
There’s four different types of precipitation rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Rain is caused when the molecules in the air that are filled with moisture and start to get to where the could can’t carry it so it precipitates. Snow is kind of the same except when this happens it depends on the temperature of that layer of the atmosphere if it’s
Precipitation: Clouds in the air drop rain on land in the form of water, hail or snow.