How Willy Russell Presents the Natureand Nurture Debate in Blood Brothers

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How Willy Russell Presents the Natureand Nurture Debate in Blood Brothers Where you live determines your future. This was very true during the time in which Willy Russell's Blood Brothers was set. It was all about the amount of money you had, what job you had and who your relatives were. It was all about how you spoke, the clothes that you wore and the school that you went too. It was all about class, but did any of this determine the kind of person you were. Are you born an intelligent, nicer individual just because you are born into upper class, or are you born a thief just because you are born into middle class? It was the nature vs. nurture debate, which Willy Russell used to ask the question, does class determine your future? In Mickey and Eddies case it did, although they started off as two very similar boys who enjoyed playing games and running about, it was inevitable for the two boys to lead two very different adult hoods. For Mickey, he thought that he would never be anything more than a factory worker and that because of where he came from, meant that he couldn't possibly do any better. It's the same for Eddie, except he knew that he could be whatever he wanted to be because of the money he had and the school that he went to. Willy Russell based a lot of his story around the effects that Margaret Thatcher caused. She made the gap between middle class and upper class people wider than ever, making where you lived and how much money you earned more important than the person you were. Middle class people were put into council houses that were tiny, cramped and cold, but although this was the case, there was a strong sense of... ... middle of paper ... ...s how she persuades her to give away her baby, and then again to keep her away from Edward. It comes down to the money issue, and how much you can afford to lose, in Mrs.Johnstone's case, she is bought off and can't realistically afford to say no to the offer from Mrs.Lyons's to stay away. Though it may be a sad reality, during that time, even peoples standards for their own lives were based on where they lived. Their own hopes and aspirations, curved to where they thought the boundary for their success lay. It was as if they could only do as well as others saw fit for them. Nowadays, everyone decides his or her own future. No matter what their background is, with the right amount of determination, goals can be reached, it doesn't matter anymore about how much many you have or what area you can afford to live in.

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