How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay

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Throughout my life, I have always faced setbacks of numerous calibers, but none were as major as the predicament I was put into in early March 2017. It all started around 10:00 P.M. when my friends and I wanted to go get food at our local Wendys. Usually, my friend Justin is a very safe driver, but this time was different. Believing the car coming towards us was going to stop because we were turning into a drive-thru and the street we were turning into had a red light, he began to turn onto the street that led to the drive-thru. To Justin’s surprise, the car did not stop and flew right into the front of our car on the passenger side; which is where I was sitting. After that, I flew into the dashboard because my seatbelt was not locked, and lost consciousness for …show more content…

All I remembered when I regained consciousness was two men moving me onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. As I left the wreck I remembered seeing broken glass everywhere, both cars were totaled, and my friends’ faces of sadness and confusion. Then, they rushed me to the nearest hospital where they concluded that I had a slightly torn ligament in my knee and a lot of bruising from the impact. In the end, I left the hospital with a huge brace on my leg and crutches. This was so damaging to me because my life revolved around being active. I was so used to playing soccer, working, and playing around with my friends and family. Now for a couple of months, those things will not be a reality for me. After time though, I learned how to go about my day without those specific tasks, and it made me stronger as an individual. My biggest takeaway from my experience was that you should cherish the good things because in an instant they can be gone. Also, I learned that not every day is going to be easy, and sometimes life throws you curveballs. The most important thing is how you respond; that shows how strong you really

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