How To Reduce Unemployment In Canada

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A report by Canadian Centre policy alternatives (2013) states that, in 2013, the unemployment rate for Ontario youth aged 15-24 fluctuated between 16% and 17.1%, trending above the Canadian range of 13.5% to 14.5% and placing Ontario as the worst province outside Atlantic Canada for high youth unemployment. (para 5). Most often, it is a milestone in every person’s life to get a job. With the increased demand for experience and higher education, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a good job in our country. Youths, who do not get a chance to attain these both, are going to encounter a hard phase in their lives. With the increasing rate of youth unemployment, this phase is becoming harder than ever before. Thus, we need effective …show more content…

In UK, a survey was completed by the Prince's trust known as The Prince's Trust Youth Index 2013. The principle motivation behind the survey was to quantify how youngsters felt about their lives today and how certain they are about their future. The file outlined that the youth unemployment resulted in satisfaction and certainty tumbled down extensively. The result of this survey was that the jobless youngsters felt unfit to adapt to their everyday life. To put it plainly, it can be reasoned that youth unemployment has major effect on the society also. (The social impact, 2014.para6). Youth unemployment can affect a person’s social life negatively causing various social limitations as well. Social withdrawal and negligence to major responsibilities can alter anyone’s life to a dangerous level. However, youth unemployment, in the end, results in social isolation. These types of social limitations can also cause a lot of health issues like depression, stress and anxiety. Youth Unemployment decreases the confidence level and independence of …show more content…

Education and training can be brought together to create a skilled youth population and reduce labour market mismatches. entrepreneurship and self-employment can be encouraged by the government to support youth. Five key policy areas that can be adapted to national and local circumstances were identified by the representatives of governments, employers and workers of the 185 ILO member States at the International Labour Conference in June 2012 and are included in the resolution “The youth employment crisis: A call for action”. The policy areas include: (i) employment and economic policies to increase aggregate demand and improve access to finance; (ii) education and training to ease the school-to-work transition and to prevent labour market mismatches; (iii) labour market policies to target employment of disadvantaged youth; (iv) entrepreneurship and self-employment to assist potential young entrepreneurs; and (v) labour rights that are based on international labour standards to ensure that young people receive equal treatment. (ILO,2013, para 28). Besides the emerging number of policies and procedures, nothing is followed effectively to bring out successful

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