How To Make America Great Again Essay

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The type of candidate I would vote for would be someone that is responsible and take care of our nation. Everyone should feel safe and have no fear in our country. Also a leader that would make America great again. “We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape.” Barack Obama ( America does not have to be perfect it needs to be safe so people does not have to worry. The type of candidate that would make our country great again would be someone who would make our America great again would be a responsible president that would make sure that they know what they are doing and be sure nothing bad is going on in our country. Our knew President Donald J. Trump I think he is going to make our country succeed. The type of President I would vote for is someone who takes quick action whenever problems threaten the nation. …show more content…

Donald is a rich man that knows what he's doing in the US he can make our country succeed. I feel safe that Trump knows what to do in the White House and he will make our country safe. He will make better laws and better education and make our Jobs better. Trump can make gun laws more safer and have a easier education. Another example of a good President would be someone who is honest and will not lie about everything. Who is intelligent and who will make good choices and who can come up with good ideas. Someone who communicates with everyone. Someone who can tolerate a lot of nonsense and haters. Someone who can tolerate lack of sleep and a bunch of responsibilities. I think Donald Trump can handle all these responsibilities to become the United States President. Donald has the responsibilities to make our country great. He has so many good ideas to make our country great again. Our country needs the improvement and to make it safer. And its is in Donalds hands to do what he

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