How To Be A Good Entrepreneur

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Question 1
What are the steps to be a good entrepreneur? Write your suggestion and recommendation based on your observation and experience in Malaysia.
1.0 Introduction
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit. According to Martin (2010) an entrepreneur sees an opportunity which others do not fully recognize, to meet an unsatisfied demand or to radically improve the performance of an existing business. To have self-belief that this opportunity can be made real through hard work, commitment and the adaptability to learn the lessons of the market along the way. For example, When an almost bankrupt security company was offered to her, Datuk Maznah Hamid and her husband, who were eager to change their ordinary life, took the plunge and sacrificed RM5,000 of their saving. Only then she realized that apart from managing the operation, she also had to be a manager, a clerk, an accountant and a receptionist. To grow their business, they had to sell their house and moved to a slum that came without electricity. But she persevered. Today, it’s difficult to find someone who has never heard of Securiforce.
From research, there have a many steps to be a good entrepreneur:
1. Experience in career
Those having experience in career employed and successful implement responsibility during the career usually were capable of doing business decision that is good compared them that green. This group also possess bright outlook to get capital and usually their effort never afford halfway. For example, Mydin is excellent example in this matter. Those who there is follow the talk surely have heard experience career.
2. Business planning
There are opinions stating tha...

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