How Texting Changed Communication

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Every single parent will ask their teenager, “Why are you always on that phone?” We don't

answer because we know that they know that they should know that us teens love to text. Even

though texting gets us closer to the ones that are far,texting has changed the way we talk to one

another. Somehow teens have found this an addiction. Parents say that they have gotten addicted

to this because they did it their age. Even though your parent did it your age, it's not in your genes.

In the modern world, the act of text messaging has transformed the way we communicate to one


The act of texting has changed the way we communicate with one another, even though

texting brings us close, every text is sending us away from people who …show more content…

This shows that after studies, Scientists came to

a conclusion that the user will become distracted by what is going on around them. Your phone use

can cause you to miss the important stuff happening around you. Distraction and lack of focus is

not the only way that texting has changed communication in the modern era. Texting can also

cause lots of negativity between relationships. In 2013 “The researchers found that using text

messages as a way to apologize, settle disagreements or make decisions was associated with

lower relationship quality for women. For men, lower relationship quality was correlated with

texting too”. This evidence shows that a heavy reliance on texting as the primary form of talking to

your mate can actually ruin your relationship. All in all, texting as a form of communication does not

make people closer but draws us further apart.

Another reason why texting cripples communication is because it leads to addiction.

People suffering from addiction usually don’t want to participate in social events, because they

prefer to be consuming what they are addicted to. In 2010 a clinical psychologist said …show more content…

For teens,this is hard because when a person is somewhere social, they are

on their phones which means they are not really there, they are in a world of texting. But it's not just

the all time texting it’s also all the social media. Social media is also another source used

by teens, that is found very addicting. In 2016, a writer posted on the Huffington Post “For example,

many people constantly upload pictures and updates when they are on vacation. And I wonder if

they are actually paying attention to and appreciating what they are experiencing. Or are they just

lost in the social media posting?” This evidence demonstrates how social media is used by many

many people to show others their great achievements, and it’s even sometimes where people will

show their darkest times. All in all, Social media together with texting can be addicting, which can

cause you to lose plenty of social time.

Addiction and Separations are basic things, everyone sees these things in technology

problems. But then there is poor grammar and communication skills. Students at school have

started to fail classes and get bad grades because they have decided to write their essays like

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