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Pros and cons of cellphones
How does the cellphone affect our social lives
Pros and cons of cellphones
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Recommended: Pros and cons of cellphones
In this day and age it seems like everyone from the youngest to the oldest has a cellphone. I’ve seen children as young as 5 years to adult over the age of 80 years olds using a cellphone. I believe I don’t need a cellphone. Cellphones and its accessory such as the cases can be very expensive. Don’t get me started on the monthly bill. When you first open an account, the wireless carrier claims they are giving you the best plan ever, and that the monthly rate will remain the same for a least one year. However, within a month or two you look on your bill and see that you have to pay at least $40 more than when your service started. These are the hidden fees and cost that the carrier does not tell you about when they lure you in to choosing …show more content…
Instead of communicating verbally, one tends to text. People have lost the skills on how to look each other in the eye and talk! Without a cellphone I am able to have face to face conversations. I am able to look someone in the eye without hesitation and speak. I’m also able to hear the sincerity in someone’s voice that I’m speaking to them or the anger in their tone. Through text messages a person’s tone is always misinterpreted. A message that may have been sent with no mal intentions can be interrupted by the reader as sarcastic or rude. Cellphones can take that person to person connection …show more content…
Have you ever been to a restaurant and watched a couple or group of friends sit at their table and everyone was on their phone; either texting, playing a game or probably on social media. No one was communicating with each other. I don’t want to be that person that everyone stops to stare at when at a restaurant with other people and I choose to be on my cellphone. There is also nothing more inappropriate than when you are in a middle of a conversation with someone and they stop to answer their phone or to look at a text message and respond to it. That can be very disrespectful and offensive to the person that is speaking to you. I don’t need a cellphone because when I go to the movies I can pay attention to the big screen in front of me instead of the small one that’s in my handbag. If I don’t feel like carrying a handbag I don’t have to worry about the phone falling out of my pocket. That will prevent spending hours explaining to customer service how I lost my phone or damaged it. I don’t have to stress myself when the customer service representative tells me I have to pay for the replacement phone because the phone insurance does not replace lost
Technology has advanced immensely in the last 50 years. We are living in the digital age where technology and social media have become a part of our everyday routine. Majority of the nation owns a cell phone equipped with the ability to text. Since technology has become a very convenient way of communication, it has even managed to change human interactions and become apart of relationships. Texting limits relationships because its simply impossible to express emotion the way you can in person. Physically communicating and connecting with a person will never compare to texting or any social media.
Cell Phones Do you ever feel awkward around people and crowds? Want to just crawl under a rock and not have to deal with them? Well, you certainly aren’t the only one!
As time went on the technology advanced and more positive things came along examples of pros of having a cell phone would be easy to keep in touch because you have a phone on you at all times, most cell phones have plans that help you save for example the $45 plan, and also they are safe when it comes to being able to contact someone in case of an emergency. You can access the internet without having to be at a computer or at laptop, you don’t even have to be at home anymore because there is now something called cellular data. Cellular data is “The transmission of data via cellphone. Also called "mobile data" and a separate service from voice calling, cellular data is used for e-mail, Web pages, media and app downloads and software
There was a time when people communicated mainly through writing letters, talking on the phone, or speaking personally to others. Our communication capabilities and the dynamic of our social world has changed drastically with the introduction of electronics – especially cellular smartphones. In today’s world, hand-held cellular phones have transformed the way people communicate. While these devices have made us much more productive and efficient, they are causing our society to lose the important life skill of interpersonal communication. People can be seen everywhere fixating on their phones instead of interacting with others. Many are mesmerized by what they can do on their phones and are often seen using them while walking down the street, sitting at a restaurant during dinner, and even while driving. I believe cell phones are negatively impacting our society because they are harming our interpersonal skills, consuming our lives, and creating an imminent danger.
Texting however keeps people at arm’s length and prevents relationships from getting past a certain level of rapport. Text messages help people create distance between them and another person. This distance can lead to many things, like lost friendship. Friendships can be lost in text messages because of tone. I was texting my sister one day, who types in all capital letters, and finally halfway through the conversation I asked her why she was yelling at me, because that is how I was reading them, as me being yelled at. When she responded she was very confused, and told me that she didn’t realize that she had been yelling at me and was sorry. This can happen to anybody. People can confuse tone in text messages, and that can lead to one person arguing with someone who has no idea that they are in a fight. Text messages are also used by people to purposely keep others away from them, and by some it is used to hide. Alice G Walton, a science journalist with a Ph.D. in Biopsychology and Behavioral Neuroscience says, “People like to text because the message gives them the ability to hide,” (Walton). It is like the saying “a drunken mind speaks a sober heart,” When people are drunk they hide behind being it, and use alcohol as their mask, but when they are texting, it’s the phone. They are able to say what they would like, without having to actually face the person they are talking to, and
The new "glorious" invention of cell phones seems to make lives easier, but they aren 't as great as people make them out to be. Cell phones were first invented in the early 70s (Szumski 17) and have since evolved into a deadly weapon, causing all sorts of health and safety issues including cyberbullying and brain tumors. Cell phones have also been linked to behavioral problems in teens and children, even without the facts it is easy to look at this generation compared to 20 years ago. This generation is more worried about their phone rather than an actual human being. When walking and on their phone someone bumps into another person and drops their phone, they check to see if their phone is okay and then afterwards say sorry to the person.
This texting age has brought on the downfall of genuine communication. The majority of people don’t really know the meaning of a “real” relationship anymore. A long time ago, sitting down and talking with another person for hours on end was normal. Now, however, it’s a foreign, scary thing. We seem to find it easier to hide behind our phones. The same things can be said over text that would be said in a vocal conversation, but there is something absent. As many have figured out—it is substance. According to Dr. Grohol, transmitting words through a device to another device does not leave room for feelings, emotions, body language, and voice inflection (Maintaining Healthy Relationships in College). Body language is a huge part of communication, but we can’t use it as a valid tool anymore because we rarely talk face to face. In fact, as stated by Patricia Harmon in “Does Texting Affect Emotional Intelligence?” up to 93% of comm...
The social media craze in the world where every conversation mainly occurs has negatively affected our society through the ability to communicate. Many spend most of their time on social media accounts, and it has created a lack of the ability to talk to others. Texting is the new way of talking to one another over the phone instead of calling and hearing a voice. Communication is necessary for life, but many lack the ability to communicate in person with others.
Smartphones. A majority of the population staying on earth has one. They are an amazing innovation in the twenty-first century. It can be used to call, text, take photos and entertain an individual with some fun apps and games. Many parents can be seen these days with a cell phone in their pocket or handbag, chances are that you are one of those parents too! Who else has cell phones? Your children. Although cell phones can be impressive and useful in a variety of endless ways, is it financially necessary and mentally healthy, especially for the younger generations? Well, technically it really isn’t that healthy for an adult’s mental health let alone a young child who is barely aware of how to use an electronic device. The traits that cell
Like the rest of the world, I cannot go a day without my phone. Try leaving your phone at home for a day and let me know how you feel. With the growing technology my phone is like my arms and legs. It is my must- have- can’t live without phone. It is my connection to the outside world. It is my connection to other people’s lives and theirs to connect with mine. The “cell phone” started out as a form of communication via calling and then it exploded with text messaging. Now it seems that most people would prefer texting then calling someone.
Yes, I do believe that smartphones are making us stupid. To begin, most people use the calculator on their phone when having to deal with any math situation. Instead of trying to solve more challenging division or multiplication problems in our heads, we click a few buttons and magically get the answer. Because of this, our brains are losing the knowledge we have spent so much time learning. Andrew Keen agrees with me and says, “You could write a novel, edit a movie, or solve a complex math problem on this magical device.” (Keen pg 22) Also, lots of people spend time on social media. We all worry about being portrayed as a perfect person on social media and having lots of followers. Andrew Keen feels the same way and states, “So rather
Texting reduces the need for in-depth conversations. Have you texted people as a form of avoidance? A few abbreviated words keeps us meaningful dialogue and face-to-face communication. It also overtakes the importance of body language in everyday conversations. Imagine going into an elevator and on the way in there is a quirky individual that you’ll rather not speak to, but you’ll send back a polite smile as they stare you down. Soon after you’ll pull out your brand new iPhone 6s that your parents got you for
Dangers of cell phones to the health and safety on any one individual can be supported not only in opinion but fact as well. Opinions and research vary greatly on the negative aspects of cell phone usage, although most would choose benefits over that negative. While most consumers may appreciate the convenience and mobility of cell phones, the human body will not.
Cell phones have only been in the picture for a short amount of time compared to how long people have been going to school but cell phones are everywhere now and make it difficult for schools to come up with what to do. As many believe they are a distraction and can be used for cheating and other negative stuff. There are also people that are highly in favor of having cellphones as they can be helpful with all the tools they provide and people who are not and it 's all about who makes a better argument. Cell phones used to just have communication abilities but that is far gone now you have the abilities to use apps and different functions that fit nicely into a school environment. Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom as cell phones provide positive benefits and are a helpful tool in learning.
Cell phones are wonderment 's of technological advances over time. Though when do Cell phones become a tool that could be used to cause suffering, like in this case getting me in trouble. None the less, the time I was used my phone the wrong way not only got me in to trouble, but made me realize that I should think before I do.