How Running Changed My Life

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The air burns my lungs as they fight for oxygen. My feet pound the unsettled earth, sending shocks of pain through my aching legs. My muscles tear with each foot strike. My body fights every stride. My mind begs me to stop, but my heart beats even faster as I pick up the pace. I will not back down. I embrace the pain and push on. When I finally cross the finish line, exhaustion rests in my body, but I could not feel more alive. I have no more to give the world, and the world asks for nothing in return. Running had always been the one thing I could count on to get me through hard times. When the power to strive for my best began to break down, and I was settling for mediocre accomplishments, running gave me the strength and perseverance to realize I could do anything, no matter how hard it was. When my …show more content…

When I was unable to run during those never-ending months, I learned the most valuable lesson running could offer me. Life is like a race. In a race, you must push through the burning pain and exhaustion to get to the finish. I now conquer my goals and setbacks as if I am running a cross-country race. The beginning is fast, full of ambition and promise. Before long, it gets hard, and doubt seeps into even the smallest of cracks in my determination to get to the finish. Then I must remember what I am working to achieve, how hard I have worked to get there, and why I started. I refocus my mind to listen to my heart and push on. With each step, I gain ground and confidence. As I near closer and closer to my goal, that beautiful finish line, I am exhausted but cannot wait to get there because I know I can make it. When I finally cross the finish line exhaustion rests in my body, but I could not feel more alive. I realize that all of the work that brought me to that finish was worth it. I am happy to be there but hungry for more as the next race

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