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Stress in a college student's life
Stress in a college student's life
Stress in a college student's life
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Struggles College Students Face
“This is a commitment. Do not give up because it’s hard. Do it because you want it.” –Larry Fitzgerald. Going to college is a long term commitment and an investment into ones future. With any commitment comes the struggle and when it comes to college, it can be a major struggle for individual to succeed and thrive. Students must bunker down and focus if they want to succeed in school and not lose sight of their goals. Three major effects can come contributed to college struggling are time management, malnutrition, and debt.
Time management is the key to becoming a successful college student. When college students don’t manage their time wisely, it will slip by them and before they know it, there work is due the next morning and they’re pulling an all-nighter to get it done. Lack of time management leads to procrastination and the great Wayne Gretzky said “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.” Many students that attend a college or university will experience the freshman slump during their first year of attending school. College students go in with the notion
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that they will do well there freshman year grade wise, but in reality only do good social amongst their peers rather than academically in the classroom. The freshman slump is the first hurdle college students go through when attending school, but it won’t be there last. A recent study done by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior found the 59% of college students had food insecurities.
Food insecurities are the limited or uncertain availability of healthy foods due to high costs. Due to the lack of a nutritious meals or the rising cost of healthy versions, many students choose a poor diet, which can affect their grades in the long term. In April of 2014 UConn guard Shabazz Napier’s said he use to go to bed hungry. Napier was a starter on my men’s college basketball team. When you have an athlete who brings schools millions of dollars in revenue, you know there is a problem with meal funding in schools across this country. If prized athletes can suffer from food insecurities, they can affect regular students in colleges and universities across this
country. Two-thirds of student’s graduation from American colleges and universities are graduating with some level debt. Sixty-five percent of students across the country rely on students loans to afford college and student loans remain the most popular way to pay for college. Student loan debt has reached an all-time high sitting at 1.2 trillion dollars. 1.2 trillion dollars can fund 30 million semesters and student loan debt is increasing by 2853.88 dollars a second. Fazackerley stated “A Survey revealed that 9 per cent of students who take on paid employment in term-time work between 21 and 35 hours each week. Alarmingly, a further 2 per cent undertake more than 35 hours of paid work a week” (Fazackerley 25-26).Rising tuition costs and seeing people with bachelor’s degrees not using their degree can deter students from going to school for example, 300,000 waiters and waitress have bachelor’s degrees. These well known facts can bring a heavy burden onto future/current students and can cause them to drop and stop trying to attend school entirely. These three factors play the biggest role in the struggle of college students. In order to succeed in school, college students must overcome and prioritize their time wisely, eat well, and focus on their finances while attending school. “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” –Charles Darwin. Students must adapt to the changes that occur at colleges and universities across this country in order to succeed and overcome the struggles that plague students everywhere.
Going off to college is probably one of the best things a person can do to further their education. The promise of a degree from a university seems achievable but is shadowed with the many challenges that come with a higher edification. Often many college students find themselves bothered by these obstacles which can determine whether the college student succeeds or not. There are many endeavors in college but it depends on how the student reacts to these situations.
Anxiety. Regret. Frustration. Restlessly glancing at the clock, cringing every time I do. Staring at a blinking cursor, waiting for inspiration. Spending a restless night trying to squeeze out something to turn in the next day. This is a process known all too well by me, and most high schoolers in America, one known as: Procrastination. Procrastination is something easily avoided, and yet, seems to be one of the biggest causes for low grades in most students’ lives. It’s a tempting prospect, putting off your responsibilities to do something enjoyable, but it should be avoided at every possibility. Procrastination causes your grades to suffer, causes your mental health to suffer, and causes you to learn bad habits for the future.
Coming to college as an adult, we have many expectations and preconceptions of what college will or will not be. The expectations we have can influence our college life for the better or the worse. My experience since starting college has been an interesting one. People have misconceptions about college because they do not know what to expect. After doing some research, I have concluded that there are three major factors that are often misunderstood about college life. The first is the financial aspect of college. Second, is the relationship between the professors and students. Third is time management. These three factors play an important role in why people are afraid to go down the path to college.
...they put off doing something that is important, it forces the negativity to come upon them and their task. Every time that a student procrastinates, or puts off something that they highly dislike, they toughen their habitual ways of not doing what they are supposed to do. Now that we see how procrastination is done and how college students can significantly decrease its effect in their day-to-day life, they will experience a greater sense of independence and personal gratification. College students have to continue to keep working and striving forward. They will still procrastinate every once in a while but college students will be much more aware of their procrastination habits and they will be able to resolve their issues as soon is it occur. When college students do flourish and continue to excel, they must remember that it is something that they can control.
The anticipation of attending college floods teenagers with numerous thoughts. Living on their own, going to class when they please, staying out as late as they want, and surviving on food the dining hall provides or what they buy at the grocery store. More free time, or lack there of, may bring students spinning downwards towards bad eating habits and malnutrition. Rolling out of bed five minutes before class means grabbing a coffee on the way. Too much homework or a big project might mean skipping a healthy dinner and cooking some Ramen noodles or snacking on chips all night. This is where the “convenience foods” come in which are factory made dishes or meals that only need to be heated up or need just one or two additional ingredients.
Difficulties Attending College Today everyone thinks in order to succeed financially in life they need to have a college education, or at least most of the time this is true. I personally think that despite the many difficulties that a person is faced with, they can overcome their troubles somehow, even though sometimes they can not help but think otherwise. I, myself, have three different reasons why people find it difficult to stay in college. For one, sometimes they still have to keep on working while going to school. Two, they have children, too.
Those who say college is not worth the cost, say that if given specialized education in high school, there should be no rush to attend college; rather, they could start with a higher-paying job right after high school graduation. (Source A) They believe if high schools had a more focused purpose on specialized types of education, the decision to attend college wouldn’t be as stressful. Furthermore, some feel that they regret their career choices made in college, due to the pressure to be successful as soon as possible. (Source E) Many feel rushed once they get into college to make one choice and stay with it throughout their educational years. Conversely, what people don’t take into much consideration, are the long-lasting effects college has.
K., & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time-management practices on college grades. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 83(3), 405-410. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.83.3.405
I believe that the biggest challenge college students face today are personal responsibility and time management. In college, there is a lot of freedom given since you're now and adult and your parents are out of your hair, but for some students, that may be a lot of responsibility for them to take on. Since they're on their own, they have to know how to govern themselves accordingly. Some students fall into the new adult world around them and begin to slip with schoolwork and begin to lose track with their grades. Time Management also seems to play a big position in the adversity that they face. In college, I know that you get to decide what time you go to your classes and
College students have to balance work, family, and college activists and any delaying behavior from within can cause an unbalance. This behavior is called procrastinating and it can lead to problems in many areas of a student’s life. College students are the worst hit by this type of behavior because they have many different activities to focus on instead of studying. These activities can cause students to study when they have time which often is usually too short amount of time. There is a time and place to relax and enjoy life, but if students focus on playing around instead of getting their assignments done, college life will be stressful.
As an adult student, it is not easy to manage the demands of work; spouse and children; and the need to set aside time to read, research, write, and complete specified assignments. The biggest complaint conveyed by adult students is that they simply don’t have enough time. The fact is time management is crucial so you don’t lose sight of your goals. Students’ time is a limited resource. Like other limited resources, time can be more or less effectively managed (Britton, 1991, p.405). It is hard to address my perspective of my own procrastination and my ability to learn. Now that I’m older and looking at the facts of where I am now in life, I should be a lot further in my college goals. Many young adults wish someone sat them down early in life and guided them in a wiser direction. A college degree is essential in the career world.
About eight students interviewed about causes that led them to earn academic warnings or to be placed on academic probation. Even though all of the students were previously successful in high school, they were not able to maintain required GPA in college. Most of the students admitted that they were not able to manage their time and had very low self-motivation. Additionally, some of the students responded that they were not used to facing challenges in high school and, as a result, did not know how to deal with stress that was arising from the challenges in college. Basically, the main idea of the research was to show that not only time management and motivation are important for average students, but even for the ones who were considered as far above average and had high achievements before entering
Heibutzki, Ralph. How Lack of Time Management Affects College Students. Demand Media, 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2013
Everyone has daily burdens and responsibilities that they would prefer to avoid rather than begin. For college students that burden becomes anything relating to college academics, from homework assignments, to essays due next week, or projects. However, by delaying the time necessary to complete an assignment or to write a well and comprehensible essay. Students are putting their physical well being at risk.
Schedules are a difficult thing to balance. A person must find the time to complete a number of tasks in a day. A normal adult may have time to get everything done and still have time to spare. The normal college student on the other hand is constantly on the go. College students have busy schedules that include working, studying, and socializing.